Chapter 12 - The Truth

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I'd just finished showering, and was combing my hair when Reaper knocked on my door.

"Come in." I turned off the music. "What is it?"

"Can you come outside?" He asked.

"Now?" I looked ruefully at my wet hair.

"Yes now." Reaper turned around and walked away.

I followed him to an empty corridor. "What's the matter?" I leaned against the wall.

"Do you miss her? Do you regret doing the things you did to her?" He looked at me.

"We've talked about this like half a year ago." I sighed. "But yes, I miss her. Sometimes I regret what I've done, but then I think about what I could have done if I'd stayed. I would have worked at a job I didn't think did justice."

"I feel like we have gotten close enough over the past month... I think it's time to tell you what I really am." Reaper told me his story, how he used to work at Blackwatch but then he got so badly injured that when the Overwatch medic healed him, he wasn't the same. His molecules are constantly dying and regenerating, he needed people to get their souls to stay stable. When he'd finished I was curious.

"What does your face look like now?" I reached with both my hands to gently remove his white mask.

"No." Reaper gripped my wrists gently and pulled my hands away from his face. "You don't want to see it."

"It'll be fine." I reached again and he didn't stop me.

What I saw underneath that mask was indescribable, what I can say is that I could understand strongly why he didn't want anyone to see his face.

I covered my mouth with my hands in shock. "I'm so sorry. Oh my goodness, I didn't know."

"Most people don't." He muttered, putting on his mask.

I hugged him. "It's fine, I don't mind."

Reaper hugged me back.

(This is so cringe worthy sorry, I don't write romance guys!!!! )


I readied my sniper, aiming it at Ms Volskaya's head. I was about to shoot when suddenly a short pink haired, muscular woman jumped in front with a shield aiming her big gun at me.

"Get out of here." She said in a Russian accent.

"Mission abort!" I yelled in to the earpiece as I took cover as the woman fired.

"What is it?" Reaper's voice came over the fire.

"This woman, I guess she must be Volskaya's protector, she noticed me!" I rolled to another cover.

"She's called Zarya." He growled. "Sombra, find out where Volskaya is heading to. Widowmaker, go where Sombra tells you to go."

"I wish I had the experience like you guys." I grunted as I jumped and landed on a crate.

"Just because you missed the last times attack doesn't mean you can't survive this one." I saw Reaper duck out from behind a box and fire.

I jumped and landed, sliding my claws out. Suddenly, I launched myself at Zarya who was caught off-guard. But she figured it out quickly, by putting up her shield, launching me back. I lay winded for a few seconds and by that time her shield had been put down.

"Take her out!" Reaper was kneeling with one knee, clutching his side. "It's on you now."

I whipped my pistol out and fired quickly at her. She was injured but wasn't being taken out fast enough. Suddenly a ladder came down from above and took her up and away. I cursed in frustration as she suddenly shot her laser down, burning through my shoulder. The helicopter with the ladder flew away as Sombra yelled in to the earpiece.

Cold (An Overwatch Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang