Your Place (Jasper x Human Reader highschool AU)

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Warning: This contains light bdsm, so if you are uncomfortable with this you may want to skip this chapter. If not, read on my dirty little reader ;)

Homeworld Highschool is one of the most exclusive schools in the world, and most of the time they only take gems as students. Things have changed since the Crystal Gems defeated Homeworld though, and now Homeworld Highschool is stuck on earth. They've been making efforts to adjust to life with humans...

That's where I come in. My name is (Y/N), and I'm the first human student at Homeworld High. They've chosen me for an elite scholarship, and I've been allowed to attend this school on one condition. I must interact with the other students and help them get over old prejudice against humans.

Today is my first day, and I'm already concerned. As I enter the school, I quickly get the feeling that I'm extremely underdressed. While I'm wearing a (F/C) T-shirt and some jeans, everyone else is wearing either athletic uniforms or something semi-formal. I gulp down my concerns, reminding myself that I can just change my outfit tomorrow, and glance at my schedule. My first class is, inevitably, the one I'm dreading most.

P.E. has never been a particularly strong subject for me, and I know for a fact that it can only be worse here. All these gems are far stronger than humans, so I'll look like a twig in comparison to them. I just hope I won't be held to the same standards...

I follow some of the other people heading towards the gym, entering the single locker room. It's unsurprising that there's only one, considering that all gems take female form, but it's certainly different from my other school. I go into the office, speaking briefly with the gym teacher and getting my locker number and passcode. I have to stand on one of the benches to reach it, and I'm shocked at how high the lockers go. Are there really gems that are that tall?

Inside the locker I find a set of clothes all set up for me, including dark red shorts and a gray T-shirt. The sneakers and socks are even included as well! I change quickly, unable to keep from feeling self-concious. Everyone here looks so perfect, and I pale in comparison. I didn't really have problems with how I looked before, but seeing everyone else look so much better in this outfit than me isn't helping my self esteem much. My eyes glance around the room, but they seem to catch on one girl... no, not girl, woman.

The woman must be almost twice my size, both in height and in thickness, but she's by no means unattractive. Her large mass of white hair has been wrangled into a ponytail that still reaches down to her lower back, and I can clearly see her curves through the small, tight uniform she wears. It takes me a minute to yank my eyes away, and I try to distract myself by using the spare band on my wrist to wrestle my own (H/C) hair into a ponytail.

Soon enough, everyone filters out of the room, and I follow after them. Out in the gym, two long rows of familiar red balls are lined up neatly. The teacher divides us into two groups as we come out of the dressing room. As luck would have it, the woman from before is on the other team. She locks eyes with me for a moment, and for reasons unknown, she glares bitterly. I look away, but I'm not backing down. No, the reason I look away is to aim my eyes at the ball in front of me. The whistle blows, and I pick the ball up quickly, throwing it at the white-haired woman as hard as I can. A resounding smack makes me think I've hit her, and I look up with a grin.

My face goes pale.

She caught the ball.

I can barely put my hands up in front of my face before the ball comes hurtling at me once more, barrelling into my stomach and knocking me onto my ass. It's clear that the woman is angry, but she's also satisfied with her revenge, smirking smugly at me. The whistle blows once more, and the coach shouts out loudly. "Jasper!? What are you doing!? The human student can't take as much force as a gem!"

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