Hot For Teacher (Futa!Jasper x Reader)

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A/N: I'm back y'all! Hope you guys like the new update! Thanks to aniyamathurin for requesting another Jasper lemon! I'll be using the same sort of AU as the last Jasper x Reader, but this time you'll see what happens when you get detention with Miss Jasper 😏

Homeworld High is known for having only the best gems as teachers, so naturally they would choose the best specimen of each gem type to teach. When I enter Miss Jasper's room, I know for sure that description is accurate. With wild, fluffy hair and a tall, thick build, she looks every ounce like a warrior. I can't seem to take my eyes off her as I take my seat near the front of the classroom.
Miss Jasper is teaching about the battle tactics and rules for warrior gems, a job which she seems to enjoy. What she seems to like even more than teaching, though, is getting students in trouble.
When Homeworld High was trapped here on Earth, it came time for humans to be integrated into the program. I'm one of the first students to be transferred here, and it's really quite intimidating. Everyone seems so different from what I'm used to.
When a short, curvy girl with purple skin pokes at me asking for answers to the worksheet, I intend to tell her that I don't know what we're supposed to write down. Before I can say so, though, I'm interrupted by a big orange hand smacking my desk.
"(y/n)! I better not hear you talking in my class again. Detention with me after school today, and if you're caught talking again you'll have it all week." I looked up with a start, shocked by the wicked gleam in my teacher's eyes as she strolls back up to the front.
For the rest of the class period I'm silent, doing my best to ignore the insistent prodding of the girl I now know to be called Amethyst. I can feel Miss Jasper's eyes on me, watching intently for an excuse to give me further punishment.
Though the day goes on and I leave for other classes, I can't forget the way Miss Jasper looked at me... She seemed to watch me like I was some sort of prey. At the same time though, it was almost exciting. Her gaze seemed sensual and even arousing. By the end of the day, I can't get that woman out of my head. I arrive in the classroom, shocked to see that I'm the only student there. Miss Jasper looks up from her computer and smirks. "Lock the door behind you, please."
I immediately grow uneasy, though I obey her command, turning the bolt as I come to sit in one of the desks. Miss Jasper rises from her chair, approaching slowly. "Alright (y/n), I have a deal to make with you."
I nod in response, though my heart is pounding as she leans in closer. "I'll let you out of detention and make sure this doesn't go on your record, but you're gonna have to do me a favor in return." Her large hand lifts my chin, a wicked smirk playing on her seductive lips. My face flushes with color as the implication of her words dawns on me. To be honest, the idea is quite appealing to me... I give a nervous nod, my eyes locking with hers.
A lustful grin spreads on Miss Jasper's face as she takes a step back. "Good. Down on your knees, now." I scramble to obey, nervousness and arousal swirling in my mind. Now I understand why she had me lock the door...
As her fingers work to unzip her slim-fitting slacks, her voice moves sensually through the air. "When we're alone like this you will call me mistress, or Jasper with permission." She pulls the slacks down easily, her black underwear following.
When I see her, I'm frankly shocked. I thought she would have female parts, but it's rather clear now that I was wrong about that. Jasper gives a smug grin, motioning toward her length. "You're a smart girl, you know what to do."
I feel a little embarrassed as I lean forward, taking her thick member into my hands. Am I really doing this right now? I've never acted like this before. I let my mouth wrap around her, though she's almost too big to fit. For some reason I feel like I need to please her and do a good job... I take her deeper into my mouth, beginning to move slowly. Her husky groans are more than enough encouragement, and soon I'm moving eagerly along her length. Before I can manage to make her finish, Jasper pulls me away. She looks at me, suddenly rather serious. "Before I do anything else, do you want to go further?" I nod in response,
giving a small smile.
"I want to do this Jasper, and not just to get out of trouble. I like you..." Jasper smiles back, leaning down and picking me up easily. She sets me down on the edge of her desk easily, and before I can question anything She's kneeliny between my legs, working down my skirt and underwear quickly. She casts them aside, and I can feel her warm breath against my core. She smirks, looking up at me. "Oh, how cute. I haven't even touched you and yet you're already so excited." I flush red, a little embarrassed even as I squirm with anticipation. She snickers, enjoying the image of me squirming eagerly before her  Finally she leans in...


Well that's all folks! Tune in next week for part 2!

lmao just kidding 😂 but I scared you, didn't I?


Finally she leans in, her tongue running over my core easily. A moan of pleasure bursts forth from my mouth, my hands moving down to lace in her fluffy white hair. "Oh fuck, Jasper!~" She continues moving her tongue, teasing my sensitive bud as she drives me closer to climax.
Just as I'm about to finish, Jasper pulls back, letting me cool down. I give her a disappointed look and she laughs in amusement. "Sorry, I can't let you finish. Assuming I'm your first, you'll be pretty tired once you finish, so we gotta save it up."
Though I don't like it, I have to admit that she's probably right. She stands, positioning herself at my entrance. "This will probably hurt a little, but it will go away." She sounds gruff when she says this, but I know it means that she cares. I nod, my hand moving to hold hers.
Pain pierces through me when she pushes in, a short cry escaping. I'm surprised to feel Jasper's arms wrap around me, comforting me and helping me through the pain. Once the pain fades I'm ready to continue, bucking my hips forward to tell her so. She begins to move inside me, going slowly at first. I let out a moan, surprised at how good this feels. I'm even more surprised when I speak up, my voice breathy and lewd when I speak. "Faster, please!~"
Jasper grins, moving quickly at my request. Before long I can feel myself approaching climax once again. This time Jasper isn't pulling away, and before I know what hit me I'm finishing around her, moaning her name desperately. She pulls out after, finishing herself off in a tissue so she won't make a mess.
I try my best to catch my breath as I climb down off the desk, pulling my clothes on and looking at here with a warm smile. She smiles back, pressing a kiss to my forehead as she pulls her pants and underwear back up.
"So, detention again next week?" I grin.

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