Chapter Nine: Emily

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  • Dedicated to Grandma

Author's note:

Hi there everyone! I'm BoBo99, and first off may I  say that it's very nice to see you all! Wow, I'm really nervous, this is the first time I've ever done an author's note, so I'm kinda nervous. Well here goes.

On the side pls check out the awesome song I have, Easy to Love by the Jezabels! It's really good, and I think that it suits this chapter! Pls tell me wot u think in the comments bar below, thnxs!

Love you all, thnxs for everyone who's supported me and the story! (Wow this feels like on of those really long, boring Oscar acceptance speeches!!!)

See ya round,


No matter how bad you hurt, life goes on. No matter what someone does to you, or how broken your heart is.

So, even though I'm dead inside, I try to look better. My Mum and Dad believe it, all my friends do, and soon even I believe it. So I go about my life, trying to forget the one who loved me and left me. The days fly by, turn into weeks, until I almost feel better for real. I go to school, I go home, do my homework, and then I sit there, trying to keep up the facade. 

It's five weeks since he's been gone, and I'm walking in to school alone, like I did yesterday, like I will tomorrow, and how I've done for the days past. I walk done the pathway, listening quietly to my iPod when I see them. I would remember those siblings anywhere. There they all are, the ones that Molly has been crying over. I feel like screaming when I see them as the barely healed scars rip open and the memories come pouring out. It's then that I see that it really is all of them. Even....... Will. I don't think they've seen me, so I hide behind the fence in the thick green foliage, and as the sounds of life die down around me I pick up on their conversation. "What the fuck do we do now?" frowns Mark as he paces in front of everyone, who are all loosely grouped together. "Can we tell anyone?" whispers Joel sadly, and another piece of my heart breaks away from the whole. What has happened to them, why can't I do anything? "No Joel, we can't. There's nothing left for us here. I say we leave, before the search parties find us," says Colin defiantly. Jilly goes over and puts her arm around Joel, even though he's about two feet taller then her. Tears are streaming down her face, but she says nothing. "No way, I'm not leaving this place! I've been here my whole life, I'm not going now!" says Phil, and then he turns to Will. "What do you think Will? What should we do?" I see a heavy dark pain mar Will's beautiful face, and then he speaks. "I think.......... I think that we should leave." My heart drops into my sneakers then, and before I can stop myself I've flung myself from my cover and am shouting, "NO! You CAN'T leave! Think of your parents!" I stop then, and look at all of their faces as shock and pain fill them. Then Will steps forward with a horrible look, and he seems like he's about to burst with anger. "Emily, what the hell are you doing? Do you know how dangerous this is? You'd better leave right now, before something happens that I know we'll all regret." I take a step back at these words, shocked at how they hit me in the stomach like knives, shocked at the hardness of his face. My heart wrenches. "Why are you doing this Will? What is happening? Can I help? I'll do anything, just tell me what's wrong!" I exclaim, but I can see the answer before he says it. "No," he says loudly, and that is when my heart cracks into a thousand pieces, and I'm falling, falling into nothingness. I reel away from him, from this boy I don't know anymore, because he isn't the boy I fell in love with. As I surface from the blackness of my sorrow I see Will suddenly double over, as if he's been socked in the stomach by an invisible fist. I run to him and throw myself onto the ground where he kneels, thrashing in pain. "Will, what's happening? What is it?" I shriek, and I look around wildly for help. But all his siblings just stand there watching, and I wonder what the hell they're doing. Then I look down and see that Will's scrabbling hands are pushing me away, and Jilly is also pulling me, away from the man I can't live without. "EMILY, GO!!!!!" Will screams as he moans in pain. I throw Jilly's hands away from me but I as I turn around I stop as I see the wolf standing in Will's place. He's big, huge, with beautiful white fur that glistens in the hot hot sun. I shiver and back away, but this is my first mistake. The wolf thinks I am going for the attack, and growls menacingly, and I freeze, there in the middle of the grassy plain, with my adopted family standing around me and the wolf,  and he stalks forward. My eyes widen as I hear Will's voice in my head. "Emily, I love you. Now GO!" it echoes as the wolf stalks closer. And then I run.

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