"You're to blame" ~ Chapter 1

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Sorry if this sucks >~<
this is my first story on here
and I'm quite new to writing
fan fiction so ya~
but anyway. Please enjoy!

You sat on your seat in drama, you were surrounded by your friends, just like how everything should be, everyone was in there correct places in little groups.

"today we shall be working on romantic scenes!" Sir said excitingly.

You could hear all the girls giggling and claiming to work with there boyfriends, you sat there, not really looking forward to this but you just thought positively.

"You'll be put into groups of two," he cleared his throat, your heart skipped a beat.

You felt terrified! Your head was filled to the brim with random thoughts! All you could do was look down and sigh... You didn't want to make a thing out of this! That would be embarrassing. You simply sat there, letting your head explode with anxiety. What if you were put with someone completely out of your lead?  Like... Like Hiyota!

"And... Miss Y/n L/n..." He looked around the room, there were many of boys, you knew most of them, despite only a few being your friends, you were still able to get on with them... Well get on with the "pretty, popular" boys. "You're with Hiyota Meseki!".

W-what? What the actual hell!
You thought constantly,

Before you knew it you and Hiyota had already moved seats and, well.. "Y/n, why are you like the perfect one?" He said in a mocking tone while rolling his eyes. You felt offended, he thought you were a joke? You didn't want to get into any trouble or start a fight so you sweetly replied, "thanks for thinking so..." You replied consistently.

"You aren't suppose to feel happy about that good girl," he said with a slight annoyed tone hidden in his voice. At this moment you knew you weren't going to get anywhere with this guy, so, you decided it wouldn't hurt to maybe, not act so sweet and perfect?!

Therefore, you leaned towards him, your bangs covering your eyes. "You're so thick, it's hilarious". He looked at you, his eyebrows twitching, he looked more than just a little annoyed. oh shit. He stood up, towering over you. Hiyota clenched his fists, this caught everyone's attention, causing them to stop and pay all attention onto you two.

"Stop trying to act cool, you'll never be cool, you're just a popular slutty bitch." He said with confidence, you felt your face flush, you were embarrassed. You looked down at your knees, much to his disliking.

Hiyota, much displeased with this reaction he decides to slap you, causing you to fly off your chair and land on your side, a few boys were making a way over to you, as well as your friends, Hiyota gave them a stare, telling them not to interfere, they stepped back and continued to witness.

You leaned on your knees, your arms had gashed on them. With one swipe you were able to swipe him of his feet. You laughed, well, you laughed until he was on top of you. You blushed then screamed at him "get the off me bastard!" Everyone gasped at your choice of language. All he did was laugh then stand up, you did the same.

"EXCUSE ME!" Sir shouted waking you both up from your laughing matter. "HIYOTA! Y/N! Detention! Now!"

D-detention? The word floated around your head. You stood up and walked to your door, Hiyota following behind you, "bye bastards," he said giving a slight wave then moved beside you. Hiyota seemed to be pleased with the fact that he got out of class.. This made it even worse! "Wanna say, we ditch this?" He said turning to the exit. Your whole life and reputation was just thrown into one big shit whole. "Sure.. Why not, this place is shit anyway." You said, complete change of attitude, you open the exit quietly and sneak out.

Sorry if this part was a bit boring! It will be more romantic and dramatic as the story goes on!
Let's just say... You and Hiyota become secret friends.

&quot;Something I'll never forget..&quot; Badass! Male X Good girl! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now