Chapter 8

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Carter's POV:

"Dude, what's happening with you and that Alexia girl?" Zac questioned while running up to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked while walking to class.

"I mean, are you progressing on our bet or am I going to win and get your amazing bike?" He smiled

"I've been", I paused, "working on it." 
"Well you better hurry up before the month is over. The first week of school is almost over and after that, you will only have three weeks to complete it. Then, it you fail, it's bye bye motorcycle for you." Zac explained

"I got this. Do you not have any faith in me?" I asked, putting my hand over my heart.

"For this girl, I  have more hopes for her. She is going to have you begging at her knees." 
"Wrong. It will be the other way around."

The bell rang for class, signaling I was late. Zac and I exchanged our goodbyes and left for class.


School has been boring so far. Classes haven't gone by in a blur. Instead, they went almost as slow as a turtle. Eighth period was next and I had to make a move on Alexia before it was too late.

When I walked into class, I saw Alexia talking to some kid named David. He was the nerd in the class. I think he's done my homework a few times for me before.

"I would love to." Alexia said before David sat back down in his seat. Little wuss probably thought I would curse him out or yell at him.

"Love to do what." I intruded.

She spinned her head my way before rolling her eyes. "I would love to anything as long as it doesn't involve you."

"So, I guess that's nothing then?" I asked.

She hesitated, before she couldn't think of anything else. As soon as I opened my mouth to say something, the teacher saved her.


Alexia POV:

David asked me on a date on Saturday. Earlier, he told me that I was one of the most prettiest girls he's ever seen and he boasted about how smart I was. At first, I was hesitant, but when I said yes, his face grew a whole five inches wider. I was actually kind of relieved that Carter came in time, until he opened that big mouth of his. 

Class was over and I was walking over to Addie's car.

"Let me take you home." Carter suggested.

"Hate to burst your bubble, but spending time with you is definitely not on my bucket list." I shrugged.

"Stop complaining and just come on. It's on the way to my house and you will be saving your friend gas." He did have a good point there. I mean I wouldn't want to waste Addie's time and gas.

"Fine, but if you stop your catty remarks for the whole ride."
"Perfectly fine with me." Carter smirked.

As we walked to his car, I sent Addie a quick message telling her I was going to ride. She got really excited, until I told her that nothing was going to happen.

Side to Side, by Ariana Grande started playing on the radio.

"I love this song." I said while humming to the beat. I turned my head and saw Carter staring at me with an amused smirk.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned

"Nothing. I just love how you can get trapped in the music no matter where you are." He said

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