Nothing Special

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It all began in the small cafe at the end of the block on Velance avenue.

I ordered my mocha latte and before I left out the door, a hand brushed my shoulder. Surprised, I turned, and from that day on, I knew I'd never forget that smile he had on his face. Blue eyes like the sea twinkled down over my astonished stare, his teeth were as white as snow and those crinkles by his eyes sent butterflies fluttering through my entire body. It was like getting struck by lightening, except more gentle and not ad frightful.

"Hey," he said. "I'm Niall."

His voice was deep and contained a thick, attractive Irish accent.

Frozen, I couldn't say a word. My mind was whirring and my heart was beating like a hummingbird's wings.

And he only grinned more at my awkwardness. "Well don't you have a name? With eyes like those, you're name should be gorgeous to match."

My eyes weren't anything special... they were just blue, with a little emerald green at the center. I finally shook myself out of my daze and smiled back at him nervously.

"Yes," I said, laughing at myself. "Sorry. I'm Talia. It's nice to meet you, Niall."

"Well, then it IS a beautiful name," he said, flaunting his pearly whites. "And it's a pleasure to meet you."

Now, it obviously wasn't love at first sight. I had been in love before, and these were feelings not even comparable. So I started to walk away, but again, I felt his fingertips across my bare shoulder and he said, "Have lunch with me!"

'What is so special about me?' I wondered. I, of course, knew who he was; Niall Horan of One Direction, the biggest boy band on the planet. I wasn't a huge fan, although my friends were, but I learned enough to know he could have his pick of just about any teenage girl he wanted. So why me?

"Why me?" I asked, the question slipping from my mouth.

Now this boy was looking straight into my eyes and slowly came closer. He smelled like peppermints and chocolate.

"Because you're different."

I studied him for a few minutes. There was something else inside him, hidden by the' boy band' label. Something that was dying to be seen just below the surface.

I sighed stubbornly, but of course I agreed. "Okay."

I moved to the right where there was a table overlooking the park outside. There were two seats, set up across from each other.

"No," Niall said.

I raised an eyebrow and shot him a challenging smile. "No what? This seat not good enough for you?" I said in a teasing tone.

He only smiled and grabbed my hand, pulling me gently towards the exit of the cafe. His fingers slipped effortlessly inbetween by own. And it wasn't at all weird, considering we had just met. He had this undescribable charm to him that you just couldn't put down.

"I have a better place."

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