chapter 2

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Tamaki (Prince) Pov-

I was surprise that Kyoya knew the new night gale. “Hey Kyoya carried to tell us who is this lovely lady” “oh yes may introduce the newest student to our school miss Honoka Izumi” She laid down her guitar on the couch and came over and curtsy to us and said “hello it’s nice to meet you all.” She had the sweet voice like a dove and look like a little brown hair china doll.  We had least 30 minutes to us opened for business. “You are lovely girl miss Izumi” she answers “oh thank you may just call me by my first name.” she then walk over to my daughter Haruhi.

Honoka Pov-

“Hey I have to ask Haruhi right why are you in the young gentlemen uniform and not in the lady uniform.”  They look at me as if I discover their deepest secret. Haruhi just whisper in my ears I was about to get all mother bear on them I just calm and said “that would explain it thank also if you want any help let me know.” I was allowed to walk around while they got ready for the business day, that when I found the piano it was a beautiful black piano which look a lot like the one at the adoption center where I lived.

Flash back-

While I was up for adoption I was walking around the place and found a music room one of the advisor was playing this beautiful piano. When he plays it seem the whole world had stop just to listen to the lovely music. From that day forth I learn to play the musical instrument by the teacher so I could play like him. Me and him became close together I acted as if he was my father and I was upset when it was time for me to leave the adoption center.

-Flash back end

I was tearing up with the fought of the lovely music and of thinking of him. The prince must have notice me near it when he came up to me and said “see you found the piano do you know how to play?” I nod my head and sat down and I look at him and he didn’t stop me when I began to play. I became lost in the music I continue to play even though guess enter the room I had not realize it until I finish the song people clap but I decide to keep on playing until the end of the time when the last lady left I stopped. The guy came over to me gave me thanks for making today special I thank them for having me and I call my driver to pick me up and that was the end of my first day of school.

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