Anna's plan

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Anna's POV

"Wait, Isabella's a battered wife?" Uncle Ferb asked, completely confused

"But, why didn't she stand up on him like she usually does?" Aunt Candace asked

"Well, he's not the kind of guy like we all see him, he's much more scarier." I replied

"How scary?" Grandma asked

"Too scary to describe." I replied

"So what are we going to do now?" Uncle Ferb asked

I stared at the TV for a while.

"Uncle Ferb, Aunt Candace, I know what we're gonna do tomorrow!"


Isabella stayed at the jail even though she wasn't allowed. She sat by the cell Phineas was in. Phineas sighed then reached out to hold her hand. He held it tightly.

"Oh Isabella, where could our daughter be?" He asked

He breathed heavily then let go of her hand and stuck his hand inside the cell. Luckily, the two other guys with him inside the cell were kind enough. He sat on the cold floor then looked at Isabella who was sleeping.

"I should've proposed to you after graduation." He said, "Now I don't stand a chance."

"Maybe you do." Isabella mumbled

Phineas looked at her, shock reflecting through his eyes. A blush found its way to his face.

"Oh, uh, I-Isabella, I-I thought you were... asleep." He stuttered

"I was," she said, "but you were too sweet to be ignored."

"Uh, thanks." He said in quite a confused tone, "What did you mean by 'Maybe you do'?"

"That, well," she hesitated for a minute or two then spoke, "I don't really like Antonio."

"Why did you marry him then?" He asked

"Can't tell." She mumbled

"Why not?" He asked



"Just because."

There was an awkward silence between them.

"I, uh, saw Antonio hitting you before." Phineas stuttered out

"You what? When?" She asked worriedly

"A few days ago." He replied


He kneeled down and pulled up the sleeve of her sweater.

"He did this, didn't he?" Phineas asked as he grabbed her arm

She turned her head away.

"Why are you letting him do this?" Phineas asked

She turned away as tears trailed down her face.

"I guess you're not telling me, huh?" Phineas asked quietly, "What happened to 'no secrets'?"

Isabella looked at him, curious about what he was talking about.

"Don't you remember? It was one summer, a two year old boy met a girl his age. A year passed they became bestfriends and promised," Phineas said

"No secrets." They both said

"See you remember. Now what is it about that guy that I should know?" Phineas asked

"He is, um, a threat." She whispered

"So why are you whispering that?" Phineas asked

"Because, he said if I turned him in, he'll get rid of you and Anna." She answered

"Oh," Phineas said, absolutely terrified, "so what did you do about it?"

"Nothing." She shrugged

"So why did Anna ran away if she didn't know? If it's all nothing?" He asked

"Fine. I sort if told her then I think she saw or heard Antonio whipping me and she, well you know, didn't control her temper." Isabella paused, "She ran away, probably to get help from you."

"And I came here to get the two of you." Phineas added, "Well, that completes the puzzle."

"So what are we going to do about this?" He asked

"You're asking me?" Isabella asked


"Okay." Isabella said, "Maybe we should get you out first."

"How is that then?" Phineas asked

Isabella just shrugged.

"Hmm, we might as well take a rest." Phineas said


"Goodnight Isabella." Phineas said as he tried to get comfortable on the cold gray floor after letting go of Isabella's arm

"Goodnight Phineas." Isabella replied then held Phineas hand tightly and close her eyes

He looked at her then smiled and held on to her grasp tighter.


The sun rose early but the Flynn-Fletchers were up earlier. They had packed their bags, came up with a plan, and got everything settled except for one thing.

"Uncle Ferb how are we going to travel if there's a storm rolling by?" Anna asked

"Well, it's not going to rain till sun down." Ferb replied

"They cancelled all the trips, whether it be boat nor plane." Candace said

"What now?" Anna asked

"Well we could use phone transporter app-. Oh wait, Candace doesn't have it anymore." Ferb said, "But we could always recreate the sun-beater 3000."

"Great! Let's go do it." Candace said enthusiastically

"Only one problem. Phineas didn't tell me where the blueprint is." Ferb uttered

"So what are we really going to do now?" Anna asked as she doodled on a piece of paper with her left hand

"I don't know, maybe we could-." Ferb walked over to her and looked at what she was doodling.

He grabbed it then held it up.

"Hello sun-beater 5000." Ferb said with a goofy grin on his face

Candace peered over and took a look at the paper.

"Wow, she completed it." Candace said in amazement

"What did I complete?" Anna asked

"The sun-beater 5000. Your father had been working on it for years and yet he couldn't finish it." Ferb replied

"I've done what?" Anna asked

Candace walked to her and ruffled her hair then said, "You're so smart yet oblivious to it at the same time, that's why you're my favorite niece."

"I am your only niece." Anna giggled

"I know." Candace cooed

"So are we going to build it or not?" Ferb asked

"Let's do it!" Anna replied

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