The plan at work (Well it did)

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Phineas' eyes went wide at the scene he was seeing. His one and only daughter, hiding and running for her dear life.

"Uncle Ferb, are the doors closed?" The ten year old asked through her earpiece

"Yes Anna, now go hide at the basement. I'll give you a passageway for that, but remember, you have to be careful and quiet, the passage is still unstable and who knows what mysterious things lurks around there." Ferb replied

"Phineas, this may seem to shock you and frighten you, but you have to trust Anna, it's your only choice." Candace said

"But, she's, she's going to be trapped in there forever if she doesn't find the passage." Phineas muttered

"If she doesn't find that, she'll be trapped, yes, but not forever, we have a tracker." Ferb assured

"So her safety is one hundred percent assured?" Phineas asked

"Only time can tell Phin." Candace frowned

By the time the doors closed shut, light became very scarce. The whole house's light was darker then night, and the people inside were almost blind. Anna tiptoed to her mother's room where she found Isabella lighting a candle. She quickly ran to her mother then blew the fire out.

"What did you do Anna?" Isabella asked

"No time to explain, right now we have to go." Anna whispered then pulled her mother down to where she assumed the passage was

Phineas was bailed out of jail after their little conversation. Now that Antonio was stuck inside the house, there are no more people to bring Phineas back to jail. As soon as he got out of the building, he ran to the Garcia-Shapiro residence only to be stopped by Ferb.

"Phineas, what do you think you're doing?" Candace asked sternly

"I have to go help Anna and Isabella get out." Phineas replied

"But Phineas, you can't do anything. The doors are locked and the windows are covered with metal. The only people who could open the house is Anna, me, and Candace." Ferb stated

Ferb's phone blinked and beeped.

"Hello?" Ferb asked

"Uncle Ferb, we found the exit!" Anna whispered

"Great, we're going there now, just hang on." Ferb said then ended the call

The three ran to the house to rescue Isabella and Anna.

Anna hang up from the call and continued her way to the exit.

"Anna!" She heard Antonio call, "Don't hide now!"

Anna quickened her pace through the dark way. She safely and quickly walked through the dark halls.

"Anna are you sure that this is the right way?" Isabella asked quietly

"Yes mom." She replied quietly

A few more moments of walking in silence had passed and they had seen the exit. Anna smiled wide but it soon turned into a frown.

"Why do I feel like somebody's... following me?" She thought to herself

Antonio quickly knew the girl's plan and just went along with it. He pulled out his gun and filled it with bullets. He quietly followed the two until he saw them getting out. He grinned evilly and waited a few seconds.

Phineas, Candace, and Ferb arrived at the house just in time. Anna and Isabella just finished exiting the little hole. Phineas raised his finger and prepared to scold his daughter when she ran to them nervously.

"No time for talking, we need to move, now!" Anna said then they all started running for reasons unknown

Antonio quietly went out of the hole and saw that his targets were running away from the house. He grinned once more, showed himself, and shot his gun at the skies above. The Flynn-Fletchers looked at him.

"Run! Don't stop!" Anna ordered

Antonio held up the gun and targeted it on a certain person, put is hand on the trigger and pulled it. Causing a loud bang and earning three high pitched screams from the girls.

Phineas started to feel dizzy and his sight started to get all mixed up and blurry. He put his hand on his chest and was surprised to see blood.

Anna looked at her father and saw the blood dripping out and stained on his shirt.

She ran to him then asked nervously, "Dad are you okay?"

Phineas slowed down his pace then fell down on the ground, and blacked out.

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