Untitled Part 1

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The tool created in this book for capturing important factors in your quest for goals is called the Task Manager Table. You can use this tool to successfully achieve your goals. What is a Task Manager Table? Let's look at it more closely.

Below is shown the framework of a Task Manager Table:



Short-Term Goal


Time Frame

In My Briefcase (Main Resources)

Action Plan

Costs Estimate


The specific columns are designed to capture data which are relevant to execute a task successfully. You can list down as many as important tasks as you like provided they contribute to your long-term goals. This table is designed to cut down your long-term goals to manageable chunks much like to eat an elephant you need to cut it to small pieces.

By using this table you will be able to draw the big picture later in life. If you have achieved your short-term goals you are bound to achieve your long-term goals. It is more like putting the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Once you complete putting the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together you will see the whole picture. It should create a winning sensation in you. No matter what your long-term goals are you will get the rewards for a job well done.

Let's look at the individual columns in more detail.


In this column, you list down your tasks in relation to your goal. For instance, suppose your goal is to write a novel entitled "The Seven Warriors". You should break down your tasks into manageable chapters which will contribute to a storyline. Suppose you planned to write seventy thousand words and twenty one chapters. You should list down your tasks into twenty one tasks. One task is for one chapter. Most writers prefer to write chapter by chapter or section by section but there is no solid rule in writing as it depends on an individual's creativity. You should relate each task with your short-term goal. In the case of the task, "Chapter 1" your short-term goal should be 'Beginning of "The Seven Warriors"'.

The tasks you fill in this column should contribute to your mission and vision in life. You should focus on important tasks. You should not waste time filling-in tasks which are not important in the Task Manager Table. The Task Manager Table is designed to capture tasks which will contribute to your overall well-being. It creates a winning sensation.


In this short-term goal column you should fill in your short-term goal in relation to your task. For instance your task is to write Chapter 1 of your novel entitled "The Seven Warriors" then your short-term goal is 'The beginning of "The Seven Warriors"'. It's as simple as that.

Your short-term goal should reflect the target which you aim to achieve in performing a task. The short-term goals are small steps toward reaching your long-term goal. You should set your short-term goals in relation to your overall mission and vision in life. Once you have identified your mission and vision in life you could break your overall long-term goal to manageable short-term goals. This process is designed to break mammoth task into smaller tasks which you can perform.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2016 ⏰

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