☘Chapter 19☘

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Jayson's POV

"She didn't just do that. Did she?" I thought to myself.
I could feel everyone's gaze on me.

Why I'm I beginning to lose control of myself whenever I meet her? No, she is not my type! I could hear my soul yelling at me. Is it that she isn't my type or the fact that she seems to be in control over everything?

"I'm dating Ariana. Ariana for cry not allowed!" I mutter lowly to myself in gritted teeth.

The first day I agreed on dad's decision to take over the business, I was excited because he had the best workers whose desire to make this company stand tall in the midst of others was their top priority. Though I can't deny the fact that I got a little furious. Handling all the pressures from his business and my career as well. I was and still dangerously passionate about the company's welfare.

Though I'm working on my career, I see to it that I provide my full support to help my father to achieve his vision. I have managed to kick out that scrupulous and corrupt Producer from the company. The asshole felt he was smart to steal from us. Worse of it, had the audacity to sell all our ideas to our competitors. A total sell out!
I still can't understand why Mr. Thompson had to do that because my dad pays every worker here well. Feeds them and even provide them with shelter for free.
But what can't people do for money? It still baffles me.

His actions nearly sank the company. But thank God dad knew a lot of great lawyers. Songs we worked our ass off to come out with were sold to other companies. And they tagged it with their record labels. We had to go through difficult times to claim ownership of what we've worked for. It would have been a shame and a lost of reputation if we had lost the case. Because they were an independent or Indie labels and we are Majors.

Wait, I'm not saying that fact gave us an advantage over them. Though people have some bad perceptions about Major labels, Father has worked so hard to prevent the inconsiderate acts by some Major Labels from his company. And this honesty has won the hearts of many populace. I should be happy to have a noble person like him as my dad. Now that nightmare is over.

We came out with a more strict strategy to get a new Producer. Someone from a good background, who hasn't worked in any other company but will still be able to deliver. Loyalty to our brand was our core motive.

I offered to help groom the person once he or she has been considered. We had the best artistes and managers of our sister companies to be the judges to help us hunt for the hidden treasure.

Of course, who wouldn't wish to do something for the main parent company? Even with my loyalty and fame in the music industry, not withstanding my dads great achievements. All these credentials are enough to get people on our side to help us when we need them.

After weeks of scanning through CV's, reading articles and running some phone-in interviews, we all agree on that one person. Actually I was impressed it was a female because well, society makes it seem that boys are better in everything. Occupying the highest positions. But if you're good you're good. Your abilities or competency has nothing to do with your gender.

I love to see people beating expectations in fields and positions which are required for certain categories of people.

But here I am, stabbing myself for being impressed. I'm supposed to be coaching her. But instead, I am trying my possible best to avoid her.I never imagined this aspect with her in the Company.

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