Chapter 27

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The three girls bounce from their seats to enjoy the party in its full totality. Leaving Mrs Chesney and I at the table. Honestly we are happy for that little breathing space.

"Having fun? " Kayla slurs the moment she walks back to our table. Wrapping her arms around me with her head on my shoulder. The smell of alcohol all over her. 

"You are drunk Kayla! Let's get you home to get a nap!"

"No I'm not! Another one Khalex!" She calls for another bottle of beer which I nod in distate of her drinking attitude. Signaling Khalex not to obey her plea.

She tries to go get it herself but Mrs Chesney pins her down carefully to stop her.
Now I regret for not driving myself to the party. This could have been a very easy situation to deal with.

"I think I wanna puke" She giggles.

Mrs Chesney bounce from her seat and helps Kayla up from the chair.

"Ok young lady, just hang on for a little while" She pleads. Pulling her gently from the chair into her arms. Her hands around her hip with Kayla's head on her shoulder.

How stupid of Kayla to ruin such a beautiful moment. Watching her puke would have made me sick but thanks to Mrs Chesney, I manage to find myself healthy enough to still enjoy the party. Not an attempt to not help Kayla out.  I mean, I love to help my friends. Just that Mrs Chesney wanted to do all the work without my help though I insisted to offer some help.

She returns shortly from the bathroom  without Kayla and If my thoughts are right, I guess she has put her to bed in one of the rooms. Hoping the amount of alcohol in her system doesn't make her sick.

" I hope she gets better soon" I tell her.

" Yeah me too." She mumbles and sits down.

"Will be glad if she does before Jayson gets here!"

What?  The asshole is going to be here? This is something that has been banging around in my head  for a while.

Trying to hide my mortification that the hottest guy in this company who happens to be my boss and torn between being my crush and my worst nightmare will be walking up through this door any minute from now makes me to gasp for breath out of nervousness. And what I always do when I am nervous,  screams out of my system like an animorph.

"But why will he be here ?" I cry. Feeling my cheeks going up in flames.

"Jayson is one of the nicest boss and celebrity I've ever met! He shares in our happiness and even sadness. He makes it a point to join the party when he is around in the community."

" That's.....ummmm....very kind of him" I say trying to hide how freak out I am.

"More than kind. But if his presence seems to make you uncomfortable, I will tell you not to worry. "
Is it that obvious that I look nervous?

"He never stays for long." She finishes with a smile. Taking a sip of her drink.

"Sure," I say, completely dazzled by her smile. " Thanks for the info."

I sit in silence for God knows how many minutes. Watching every activity happening in the room, but lost in thoughts. I can see Didi and Mary with Khalex in a deep conversation with each holding a can of beer. The T.Brothers performing a slow song on the stage while some of the guys watched their performance heartily with the others playing Chess. The multi colored dim light giving the room a club like look.

"Hey guys,  Jayson and Ariana are in" Benjamin announces, breaking in on my thoughts.

Ariana? Of course I know that name. She is Jayson's girlfriend. So stupid of me to stalk him on Facebook.First of, why am I bothered? It's insane! But I will kill this monster in me later.For now,  let me just think about ways to swim out of this water alive.

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