Finally A Familiar Face

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I decide to go around and through Jayce's house, instead of climbing the fence again obviously. When I get home I sigh and fall on the couch. I hear muttering in the other room and decide to explore, I find mum and dad with angered looks on their faces, before they stare at me.

"Ella Rose Brenta!!" Mum storms over to me and grabs my shoulders; I stare at her, confused, here we go. "How... Could you leave your baby sister outside, all by herself!" oh.

"Do you know what dangers are out there," says dad walking over to us.

"Sorry... I just forgot..."

"Just... forgot?" repeats mum.

"Yes..." She sighs and stares at me,

"Is it for rebellion?"

"Rebellion against us because we made you move here-"

"What n-"

"It's ridiculous... ridiculous Ella, that you can't accept the fact that we have moved,"

"Oh, come on!" I yell crossing my arms, "I would never use Mila as a 'rebellion'"

"Just go away!" yells mum; I stare at her, shocked, before storming up the stairs and into my room. "She isn't defensive?" "Not strong enough?" They are ridiculous.... Completely ridiculous. I close my eyes before my eyes jolt open as my phone buzzes,

KatiePoopGlitter- Hey! How are ya? GUESS WHAT?

Me- What?

KatiePoopGlitter- I am coming down tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me- You just couldn't get enough of me

KatiePoopGlitter- No, I was just going for the scenery ;)

Me- Oh then you will love the view from my window ;)

KatiePoopGlitter- Well I got to go get ready to go tomorrow! See you then! BYE! <3

Me- BYE!!

I slowly walk down the stairs and walk to the living room, mum sits with a pile of worksheets on the coffee table in front of her. She mutters to herself as she picks up different ones scanning them. The floorboards creak as I walk towards her and she quickly looks at me,

"Oh... honey, you scared me," she looks back to her work.

"Hey... mum... I... really... didn't mean to leave... Mila... You know I wouldn't-"

"I know... I know you wouldn't... but... I guess you should just pay more attention... where did you go anyway?" I stare at her my face blank.

"Oh... uh... you know... me and.... I...." if I say anything about Jayce she will go on about him, so I keep him out of it, "I went into the front yard thinking it needed.... Some tidying..." I stare at her, me tidying?

"Oh! Really? Interesting..." I can tell she has stopped listening, which is good this time- I don't think she will ever find me gardening.

"Ha ha yeah... also... Katie is coming here!"

"Katie! Oh how exciting," she looks to me, "is she staying here?"

"No, her family is coming up."

"Oh good! I have wanted to see her mum Karen for a while!"

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