An Unexpected Problem

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I lie on the grass in my back yard, the weekend feel, calming my body, my phone beside me as I close my eyes. I have to except I am here now, I can't go back, I need to just deal with it.  I hear a knock on the fence and I stare, Jayce? I walk over and try to peep over but I can't, suddenly Jayce leans over the fence.

"Ella!" He almost falls back, shocked, "I didn't know you were there- well I was hoping you were... but..."

"Well you were knocking..." I laugh.

"I was wondering.... I was going to go down to the store near this area... I was wondering if you wanted to come." Really?!

"Really?" I say as calmly as I can,

"Yeah..." He stretches his head."

"Uh... cool, um... I will go ask my mum, I will meet you at the front..." Really!?

I over joy with happiness when my mums says yes unfocusedly and I run to the front. A little disappointment hits me as I see Conner standing beside Jayce, in fact its actually a lot.

"Hey Ella!" says Conner, I reply with a little wave, before we start walking, "so... Do you like it here?"

"Yeah... I guess, ha ha,"

"Cool... Guess that was a great first impression walking into the boys changing room?" My face freezes, why would he say that! Jayce looks at me confused.

"Oh... yeah... bet all the boys loved it-" I could face palm myself but instead I continued "-should have gotten changed too," I look at my feet, crap. The awkward walk doesn't take us long. We sit in the restaurant connected to the mini shop, in red booths.

"Hello, can I get you anything?" A girl with black hair says, her speech drowsed as she yawns.


"Yeah... Three milkshakes please," says Jayce,

"Flavours" the lady says trying to get as little words out of her mouth, she practically is sleeping.

"Sorry, just let me..." says a blonde lady stepping in front of the black haired lady.

"Oh u-"

"Big double chocolate, darling," Conner says with a wink, Jayce and I cringe at him and the lady turns red, writing down the order.

"Vanilla please," says Jayce,

"Chocolate... please," I say awkwardly as Conner stares at the lady.

"Conner!" yells Jayce, and the lady leaves, "man, do you fall in love with every girl you see?"

"Pretty much," he says still dazed, I laugh. I jolt as a girl comes flying at me, screaming my name,

"EEELLLLAAAA!" its Katie, I jump up and catch her in a hug,

"Hey Katie!"


"How are you here?"

"I wanted to surprise you later today, but when I saw you in the shops I just couldn't resist"she looks over my shoulder, suddenly distracted.

"Oh this is Jayce and Conner," she gives a small wave before sitting in the booth across for Jayce.

"Guys... this is Katie... my friend from my old place,"


"Hey," Our drinks arrive and I sip at mine, the table is silent, I wish it was just me and Katie.

"Um, so-"

"What was it like back at-" Conner says.

"So..." Katie gives me a nod and then continues, "what subjects do you do at school?" says Katie quickly.

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