Chapter 2

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*Insert Cliche excuse about having finals and not posting here
     Hello! Everyone is insisting that I say the controls of the Melee which I showcased in the first chapter. I had planned on doing that in the controller section, but people were confused. So I'm going to make the first chapter all about controllers!
     The year was 1977. Game developers had been experimenting with single - button controllers for a while, but they had never hit the mainstream market, until the Atari 2600. For some background, Pong came out in an arcade machine in 1972, and was released by Atari. It is a game that many will immediately recognize, mostly credited for being the first game ever. But this is false. Even back in 1955, colleges and computer companies worked on large private games. The reason pong is credited so much is for doing two different things:
1. Being the first game to get advertisements and be marketed.
2. Being the first game that the public cared about. It caught on very quickly.
     But where am I going with this? Well, when pong was ported from the arcade style to the Atari 2600, it was playable with the first real joystick and controller. This was a huge innovation at the time. One of my friends actually has this controller, so I was able to control pong with it! Its so terrible compared to today's controllers, but it paved the way for all to come.

 One of my friends actually has this controller, so I was able to control pong with it! Its so terrible compared to today's controllers, but it paved the way for all to come

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The Atari 2600 controller.
     And the rest, as they say, is history.
     Controllers started evolving. One button to two: companies found ways to pioneer the next design. But my favorite of all time is, of course, the GameCube controller that is used to control Melee. Really look at the extreme difference in these two controllers.

 Really look at the extreme difference in these two controllers

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My GameCube Controller.
     There are a total of 8 buttons, 2 joysticks, and a d - pad! It offers so much control, that games could expand. Cue Melee. A fighting game where each fighter has around 26 unique moves, and this is the controller you need. Controllers kept evolving and still are. Many new designs have come and gone over the years, and I am excited to see the next big breakout in controlling the way we play games.
     Now on to the attacks I was using. I was using all of the attacks that Marth can use. When I did the combo, I was stringing together certain moves that can combo on fox. Each move requires a different button input. But then how did this game keep a competitive community coming back for 15 years, with what seems like simple design?
     The answer is one of the highest skill ceilings in all of fighting games. Next chapter I will be talking about depth in video games. Its about to get technical!
     Real talk though, sorry for not posting in ages =/

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