Seven hours ago

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Avilio's POV

Seven hours ago

We took [Y/N] and Corteo to the Vanetti household only to be greeted by a teary-eyed and furious Frate. I walked passed him, hiding my face under my hat.

"Nero, what the hell happen?!" Frate waved his arms in the air. I heard him stomp on the quarts tiled floor. "Who is--!"

"You're in trouble," Nero growled and walked by him, bumping shoulders with his younger brother. I suppress my upcoming smirk.

I hear Frate whine loudly which made me immediately roll my eyes and tune him out. I go upstairs and walked down the carpeted hallway until I reached my room.

I opened my door and slammed it shut. I took off my hat and threw it on my wooden chair. I ran my hands through my hair in frustration, messing it up.

I removed my suspenders from my shoulders letting them drop and hang from my belt. I took out my handgun and glared at it in disgust. It's happening, my meltdown.

I grit my teeth and threw my gun at the full body mirror. I wanted to yell at the top of my lungs. Soon, I begin to unbutton my white collar shirt. I took my shirt off my shoulders, leaving me in my black skinny jeans and hanging suspenders. I ran my hand through my black hair again.

I wanted to throw everything at my mirror. My reflection was enough to piss me off. The guilt was eating me alive. I wish [Y/N] shot me instead. The image of her wide dull eyes, and her blood all over my hands, they all haunted me.

I began to bite my lip and tug at my hair. I feel tears pool against my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. I lay down on my bed and look at the ceiling.

I want her. I miss her. I need her.

I only want [Y/N]. All those seven years without her by my side was hell. Will she love me again? No...

She hates me. I'm not Angelo Lagusa anymore. She'll kill me.

I love [Y/N]. Now I feel tears running down my cheeks. She was always my soft side.

I place my fingers against my lips and close my eyes. I feel like I'm nine again.

January. It's January and it's snowing. I'm outside with [Y/N]. She's so cute in her hat. She throws snow at me, I laugh. I chase her around the house.

She tumbles to the snow, she pulls me down. We giggle. An icicle falls down, grabbing our attention. My eyes travelled up the frozen tree until I catch something.

A mistletoe hangs on a frozen branch by a red ribbon. It hangs right above us. It's not Christmas anymore, does it count?

I remember tying the mistletoe to the tree. My dad told me to. He said it would make my mother happy. How does that work? He kissed her, right?

I pressed my lips against [Y/N]'s rosy cheek and my face became pink. She looks at me with those wide eyes. I thought she would hit me for doing something so stupid.

Instead, she hugs me. Hugs me tightly. I smile to myself. I place my lips on her forehead but...

I heard a gasp. It was Corteo. I saw his glasses fog up and tears fall down his cheeks. He covered his mouth with his hands in his fingerless gloves and sobbed.

Corteo always had a crush on [Y/N]. He loved her more than I did.

That very thought makes me snap my eyes open. I sit up on my bed and looked out my window. I bet it was two am. The stars were still out.

I feel so empty after crying all those tears out. I stand up and opened my closet to pull out my gray button-up shirt and black coat. I stand in front of my mirror and fixed my hair. I button my shirt up and pull my suspenders on. I saw dark bags under my eyes.

I reach over and grabbed my gun. I shoved it in my back pocket and put my hat on. I walk out of my room and quietly made my way down the Vanetti's hallway.

While exiting the manor and pulled out a cigarette. I light it and puffed out some smoke. I began to walk the path towards a cemetery.

Minutes later I'm there. Vanno Clemente held a man at gunpoint, cornering him against the tombstone that held his friend's name.

"You killed him," Vanno spoke in a low dangerous voice. The man placed his hands together and prayed. Vanno cocked his gun. "Now you'll pay."

"Please!" The man's voice cracked. "Please, don't do this!" I've never seen so many tears running down a man's face.

I feel a smirk tug on my lips.

Then Vanno shot him. The sound rang through the whole cemetery. The man went limp. He shot him again.

I saw him put his gun back into his back pocket and let out a sigh. He turned around an looked surprised when he saw me. "Avilio?"

I quickly pulled out my gun and aimed at his chest. Without a second thought, I shot him. I wanted to laugh out loud.

I know why Vanno killed that man. He killed Vanno's best friend.

I killed Vanno because he hurt Corteo.

Corteo never did anything bad. He deserved better. He deserved [Y/N].

I can already hear The Don's low voice. "Vanno Clement was shot. Murdered. I believe this is the [L/N]'s way of revenge for when we took [Y/N]. Or might be one of Corteo's friends? Avilio went out of the house when it happened. Those three are suspects. Unless, Avilio shoots ether Corteo or [Y/N], that will clear his suspicion."

Again, I acted without thinking. It's the same when I kissed [Y/N] for the first time. I was stupid.

Now, I wait for all hell to break loose.

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