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His breath hitches and his yellow eyes widen. "[Y/N]?"

You were released from his grasp. "Angelo, I don't know anymore." You silently whimpered. "If you really are him, what happened to you?"

He looked down at you and patted your head softly. You shivered at his touch. "I didn't mean for it to turn out like this." He said.

"It's like I can't think straight anymore." You held your head in your hands. "Are you Avilio or Angelo? My head is pounding."

There was an uncertain look on his face. "I'm Angelo and Avilio."

You grabbed Angelo's hand and rubbed his knuckles. You knew that was his weak spot. You saw his whole body go rigid. "It's really you, Angelo?"

He pulled his hand away and leaned his face close to yours. "[Y/N] I'm really sorry. All this time you had to go through Hell while believing I was dead--"

You slapped him. He held his cheek in his hand and he looked at the floor. You felt your bottom lip quiver. "You dunce!"

"I deserved that," Angelo mumbled. You felt your heart sink. He didn't even make eye contact with you. "You can hit me again..."

You gritted your teeth. You grabbed both of his pale cheeks, making him look up to you. "You have to kill me." You said.

"Why?" Angelo sounded mad.

"Kill me, not Corteo. He told me after we talk, you'll shoot him!" You yelled. "Better me than him."

Angelo glanced at you then looked away. He bit his lip and held your hand tightly. You saw him gulp.

"Corteo is more important than me so..." You ran your shaky fingers through Angelo's black hair. "At least I'll die by your hands." You said with despair.

"[Y/N], I'm sorry..." He whispered.

"Don't be, I have nothing else to live for." You mumbled.

Your hand was against his cheek as he kneeled in front of you. He placed his hand on top of yours. "[Y/N], I killed Corteo."

You froze. Angelo's bangs were covering his eyes. "You..." You swallowed. It felt like the air was knocked out of you. "He said..."

"What he told you was reversed. He knew that if he told you it was the other way around, you would have snapped." Angelo whispered. "Corteo agreed to spare your life and him losing his own..."

You stared at him with wide eyes. The blood from your face was drained. "Corteo... Is dead...?" You ran your thumb over Angelo's cheek. "You killed him..."

"I won't ask for forgiveness--"

You slapped him again. "How dare you! It should have been me! I've been through enough Hell and Corteo didn't do anything wrong!"

You cried, and cried, and cried. Angelo was now sitting on the floor, thinking about what he had done.


A few days later, you were dressed in all black. The air was moist with the smell of rain. Fog ghosted over the green grass while you lowered your head. You held a single white flower in your hand. You stood next to Angelo. You cried so much you ran out of tears.

"Vanno Clement..." You blocked out the rest of Don Vanetti's dull voice. You sighed and continued to stare at your feet.

While everyone prayed for Vanno, you prayed for Corteo. No one arranged a funeral for the brown-haired boy, they must have thrown his body in a ditch.

You didn't get enough emotional recovery from the previous days. Those events just suddenly came crashing down. Then, Angelo leaned down to talk to you.

"Are you alright?" He whispered.

You shook your head. "Nope.." There was no point in lying anymore.

You feel Frate's gaze at you but you shrugged it off. It's painfully ironic because he broke up with you just two days ago.

You wanted to laugh when he said; "I really don't want to be a part in all this, [Y/N]. Let's break up."

I guess you could see it was obvious that he instantly regretted it and he wanted to get back together. But you honestly didn't care. Your relationship was the least of your worries.

"Avilio," You whispered. When you were in public you would call him Avilio to keep his cover. "Who's side are you on?"

The wooden coffin was lowered into the grave. "I'm on your side, [Y/N]." He replied.

You looked up at him with tired eyes. "I'm going after your boss..." You said quietly. The family members began to toss dirt over the coffin.

Angelo took your hand to direct you towards behind a leafless tree. He took you away from the mourning crowd leaving you two alone.

"That's why they don't suspect me. I know Don Vanetti killed my parents and your dad, [Y/N]." His black hair concealed his eyes. "I have a plan."

"How long will you keep this plan going?" You said, growling a bit. "It's been seven years and you haven't done a thing."

"I earned his trust." He took a step towards you, making you back up against the tree. "The Don told me that he will accept you into the family if you aid him."

"Now how will I do that?" You pressed your lips into a thin line. "Sell him some beer, become some maid, leave Chicago?"

He placed his hand over by your head and leaned forward. You could smell the cigarette smoke on his clothes. "He suspects the Armando's, a Spanish mafia gang, was the one responsible for Clement's death. The Vanetti's will have revenge."

"He suspects, but he doesn't know."

Angelo ignored your statement. "Don Armando's youngest daughter, Yulia Armando, is the assassination target. She's twenty."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"You and I will have to kill her."

"There's no way I'm killing an innocent woman, Angelo." You shook your head.

Angelo chuckled and pushed himself off the tree which made you let out a breath. "You think she's innocent? She seduces and murders people of power."

"Well good for her."

You then push yourself off the tree only to be pinned by Angelo. You growled and looked up at him. "The Don wants you to prove your loyalty and skills. This is a chance to be welcomed into the family."

You furrowed your eyebrows and clicked your tongue. You were pissed off. "Let go of me, Avilio!" You whispered harshly.

You pushed him off and walked away from the black haired boy. He watched you walk away and thought to himself; '[Y/N] really has changed. She's so blue.'

He then felt his heartbreak when he realized you called him Avilio. He began to despise that name.

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