Emma Kate Jones

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"Emma Kate! Start getting dressed you have a hair appointment!" I rise out of a huge bed. Looking around, I see a closet. I go to the closet and open the door to find a room bigger than Nancy's, stuffed with clothes. I throw on a T-shirt and Nike shorts. I see a mirror and take a quick look at myself. I'm beautiful with blue eyes and wavy, blonde hair past my waist. On my way out I grab a phone and purse sitting by the door, and head out to the garage and get in a Toyota Camri. A woman who I think is my mom is sitting in the drivers seat. " 'Kay Emma, let's go. Ya know, you've got some long hair. Cut off 8 inches amd donate it to a kid in need." "Hmm maybe I will." "Really? You always get mad when I bring this up." I just shrug my shoulders and look away. While I'm waiting I go on the phone(thank god it didn't have a password) According to my phone I'm 16 and my name is Emma Kate Jones. We finally get to the salon. I waited about 5 minutes before I was called back. A woman with a stylish pixie cut fingered my long, blond hair. " So Emma, whaddya want done?" "15 inches off. I want a bob." My mom looked at me on shock. Might as well have some fun while I'm in this body. The hairdresser puts my hair in a low ponytail and chopped it off. Then she got to work. 30 minutes later, she turned the chair around. Holy crap, it looked bomb. My new hair made me look like Julianne Hough, only 10 times sexier, which until now I didn't know was possible. Now my hair fell just below my chin and had messy layers. With my natural wavy hair, it looked amazing. Suddenly, while I was in the chair, The Pain came back. I screamed in pain and blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2016 ⏰

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