Entry one.

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Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday me. Happy birthday to me.

Are ya 1? Are ya 2? Are ya 3? Are ya mentally insane? Yeah. That last one.

I was woken up early in the morning today. In my own bed. By my family who wanted to wish me a happy birthday. It was sweet of them, really, but something wasn't right.

It wasn't anything new to have something really unusual bother me, but today was hard. You see, I hate the number between 6 and 8.

And I just so happen to turn 16+1 today.

My mom is just the sweetest. She made me a cake with a candle. This candle, however said my age. It was too early. I couldn't think of a solution.

So I started to cry.

I cried until my mom was worried and I cried until my mom took me to the hospital. She didn't know what to do.

The doctors quickly sent me here. It's practically an insane asylum, but they don't call it that anymore.

My room is empty, and void of personality. I love it. Everything is the same shade of white, the door is perfect centered on the four equal walls. There's only a bed in here, pushed off into the corner.

I moved the bed to the middle of the room though.

There a Windows, parallel to the door, and a desk right under it. On the desk was this journal, and a pen. A black pen. My favorite.

I could get used to this.

Mental Heath; PhanWhere stories live. Discover now