Part 5: First Meeting

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"He said to make it look real..." I said to myself after I had changed, "The skirt could be a lot longer though..."

Since the tank-top I had ripped I only had the short sleeved shirt that was still as small as the other one. The skirt was mid-thigh and I used my nails to cut a small hole on the top that my tail would fit through, but frowned when I notice I still had my hair and ears tucked away. I took off my hat off, letting my ears pop out, and my white hair tumble down my back. It had a slight wave to it and stopped just below my hips. My tail was just a bit too long, it was white like my hair and scraped against the floor when I stood still or didn't lift it. I let my nails and canines grow longer and sharper to make it look a bit more real. Unlocking the bathroom door I put my bag over my shoulder and stayed near the back wall.

"Has anyone seen the night guard?" That was Mr.C! I didn't want him to see me yet so I hid in the closest place posable, Pirates Cove, "I could have sworn I just saw her..."

My eyes immediately adjusted to the dark and I slowed my breathing. I begin walking to the other side of the cove. A red blur ran past me causing me to fall to the floor. I looked up a bit putting my ears down as I did so and saw a pair of black vintage pirate boots.

"What the..."

"Ahoy lass!" A male voice said, making me look up more. He had brown pants tucked in to his knee high boots, and a white dress shirt tucked in to the pants. The red pirate's coat he wore was trimmed with gold, but his eyes were something else. One was covered with an eyepatch, but the other was a bright yellow. His eye was almost covered by his long red hair, like the patch was. He looked no older than seventeen maybe eighteen at the most.

"Ye be alright down there?" I blushed at his accent and nodded.

"Y-yes..." I got up with his help and looked down at his left hand, "Nice hook..."

"Thank ya lassie, now what you be doing in me cove?" I tilted my head in confusion

"Wait your cove?" He nodded, "Who are you?"

"Me name be Foxy."

"Foxy?" My ears popped up, and his eye widened. A pair of red fox ears popping up on his head, along with a long red tail swishing behind him. But his left ear looked like it had a bite taken out of it.

"Ye is a fox?" I nodded and started to walk around him, my own tail swishing behind me.

"How is this possible? You're an animatronic, right?"

"Aye that's right lass, all of us here can transform to be human though," I stopped and looked at him, "But the scars will remain..."

"Scars?" He nodded his head and begin to unbutton his coat and the first few buttons of his shirt. Me blushing didn't seem to slow him down either. When he opened the top of his shirt I gasped. Just like in his animatronic form he had scars from being mistreated.

"Oh Foxy..." Unconsciously my hand went forward and ran along the largest scar on his chest, "I'm so sorry."

He grabbed my hand with his scared right one, making me look up at him

"It be alright lass, nothing to do bout it now," I nodded and looked up at him again. Then I realized I was talking to an actual animatronic. One of the ones that tried to kill me last night.

"Why are you all trying to kill me?" He seemed taken back at the question.

"What ye talkin' bout lass?"

"The night guards, why are you trying to kill them?" His eyes widened.

"Ye's the night guard? That can't be, ye's too young," I stood up straighter and frowned.

"I'm sixteen, not a child," I said an edge in my normally calm voice, "And the manager made an acceptation."

"Tonight wait in your office for me and I'll answer all ye questions," He said and started pushing me towards the back exit.


"Tonight I promise ye lass," He was still talking me to the door.

"And my names not lass its-" I was pushed out as I tried tell him my name. I huffed and made my way to the back office, after dusting myself off.

"He better tell me tonight..." I finally muttered as I put my bag down near the chair I would be spending another night in. I pulled down my skirt a little more felling it was to short, and fixed my collar. Returning to the front area Mr.C caught me in his sight.

"Ahh, there you are!" I stayed as still as I could when he came over, "Wonderful costume, you really went all out!"

Wait, what?

"You even dyed your hair the same color as the props?" Could he really not tell that my tail and ears were real? Or that the pure white was my natural hair color?

"Uh...yeah," I scratched the back of my head awkwardly, "You said to be as realistic as possible..."

"Oh that I did!" My ears flattened with his loud voice, "And their moving parts? Wonderful! Oh well enough chatter lets get to work!"

Five Nights at Freddy's: Foxy's HopeWhere stories live. Discover now