The blue haired boy

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Every time I fall asleep, or even blink I see the same thing, my dad hitting my mom over and over again, then she leaves. Right after she leaves he blames it on me then starts beating me. My mother abandoned me. My father tortures me. But it's not a dream it's reality. Everyday I'm told by my father how worthless I am, he has some new hoe everyday. I was only 10 when my mother left and I've been working out and getting stronger ever since then. It paid off I'm now one of the strongest guys in the school. All of the girls like me, I don't know why I have emo white hair and snake bites, I guess they just like bad boys. But I don't like girls.

It was another boring Monday but i was finally in my last class. I was just sitting in my usual corner pretending to be asleep to get out of class work. The teacher yelled at me but I just laid there. She started to say something but I wasn't paying attention, then I heard the sweetest voice in the world, it was quiet and sexy. All they said was "hello my name is will" and my heart started pounding. "Welcome to the class Will, go take the seat next to the white haired slacker, he's at the top of all of his classes so if you need any help ask him." The teacher said. I wanted to look at him so badly, but I do don't want to do any class work so I decided to wait till the end of class. I layer there biting my lip trying not to speak. I'm usually so antisocial, but this is different.

I checked my phone to see how long we had before class ended, only 2 more minuets. I sat up and stretched, then I gained the confidence to look next to me. I turned my head to see blue emo hair, a pail face, and snake bites. "Um hello... I'm Will" he said nervously. He was adorable, he seemed like some lost kitten. "I-I'm Jay" I said quietly. Then the bell rang, I was slightly happy because I didn't want him to think I was weird. So many started to put all of my textbooks in my bag. I started to walk away when I heard something fall, I turned around quickly to see Will laying on the ground and his books scattered everywhere, he was scrambling to pick everything up. Then I looked to see who caused it, Jacob the football player, I broke his arm on accident last hear just by kicking him, now he's totally terrified of me. I walked up to him and punched him in the face and he fell on the floor, he scrambled to his feet and ran out the door. I helped will up and got all of his books. "Thank you" he said fearfully. I nodded my head and went to the locker room.

Jacob got me so pissed I kicked the ball and it went straight through the net and broke it, the coach gave me a scared look. "I'm sorry I'll get some money to pay for it." I said. I continued to practice not missing once. Then I felt I was being watched I looked over to see that blue hair again. I walked over to him. "Where's the soccer captain?" He asked me. "Your looking at him." I said. "U-um could I try out." He asked. He likes soccer? He keeps on getting better and better. "Of course, we actually have a spot open, lets see what you've got." I called over the second best player on the team and had them play one on one. Will scored point after point. "You practice a lot?" I asked. " I was the soccer captain at my old school." He said quietly. "Well welcome to the team." I smiled big. "Ok team lets finish practice with five laps around the school!" I yelled. I was in first but Will followed close behind, he was only slightly slower than me. His beautiful blue hair flopped in the wind. We finished the laps in 6 minuets." Good job" I said smiling. "Thanks" he said. The rest of the team finished at ten minutes.

"Good practice everyone is doing great!" I yelled. I was sitting on the bench minding my own business when the whole team ran up to me asking if I was going to the party. I hate party's so much, it requires socializing. Everybody was begging me to go, the only reason they wanted me there was so the hot girls would go. I was aware I was being used but I'm used to it. I saw Will sitting on the bench. "Ok I'll go if Will goes." Smiles. "Hey why me?!" He yelled. "Because your new and you need friends, it will be good for you." I smiled. "Fine I'll go if there's food." He said grumpily. "Ok I'll take you there." I said.

Jay X Will= Jill (yaoi)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin