Random things about me

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I saw EclipticMoon55555 do something like this. She didn't tag me, but I thought I could do it.

Here are 20 things about me that I never told you!

1- My favorite number is 111

2- I used to have 8 cats

3- My favorite color is dark green

4- I am Irish

5- I have 11 siblings

6- Most of my friends are on the internet

7- I'm lactose intolerant

8- I can swear in four different languages

9- I have a laminated poster of Pyrrhia on my wall

10- I hate the word "tween"

11- All of my good art goes to people in real life, so the art I keep on my walls us awful

12- My eyes change colors

13- I nearly died when I was was than six months old

14- I have Alot of paint, but I'm actually awful at painting

15- Nobody has called me Meme Lord yet

16- I was born in Goldsboro North Carolina

17- I have a family crest and didn't know it until three days ago

18- For somebody with OCD, my room is surprisingly (and annoyingly) messy

19- I'm actually in a book club

20- I haven't tried to trick you this whole time

Thanks for reading I guess! I tag:


You have to tag somebody too.


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