Rhythm of Love: An Allegiant Fanfiction

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>>It's a peaceful little place, I think. Almost like Amity, but not quite. Amity seems to be more about feeling peaceful than looking it. Here looks peaceful, but all the other aspects are anything but.

>>My heaven is just how you'd expect it to look. Everything is white and bright and clean. Sometimes, when I think of a white and bright and clean place, I think of a hospital. But a hospital's light is stark and menacing. Here the light is calming, lit by sunlight and sunlight alone.

>>Getting into my heaven was the scary part.

>>I can remember the last tears rolling down my cheeks, and the faint stinging of my eyes when they fluttered shut. I remember the warmth of my mother's arms around me, the warmth in her eyes, the warmth in her voice, telling me that I was done and that everything would be okay without me. I remember the feeling of being free, of being forgiven, for finally finding that true selflessness in me. Those were the good parts-- the good parts of my journey. The bad was on the way up.

>>I remember wanting to stay in my mother's arms forever, wanting us to have our eyes locked forever in the warm embrace, tears falling from our eyes. And as death came from the depths of-- well, I guess wherever death comes from-- and wrapped its arms tightly around me, I knew I at least wanted the beautiful blue of my mother's eyes to be the last thing I saw, to be the one element of life that lingered with me into death. But it wasn't. I didn't sink away. I floated away. I kept going up and up and up inside the pupils-- not the irises-- of her eyes that suddenly had no end. And I remember being so afraid, having no idea where I was and no destination.

>>But then it stopped. I opened my eyes to a blurry figure, and slowly everything came into focus.

>> Instead of staring into my mother's eyes, I was staring into Will's.

>>I killed him. Why is he here? Did he come back alive like my mother?

>> And then I remembered that he wasn't the one who had switched fates.

>> I was deathly afraid of him. Though this is a beautiful place, I was the one who put him here. Away from his family, friends. Away from his world. Away from Christina, the girl who he loved most.

>> Christina. The name echoed absently in the back of my mind.

>> "Hi, Tris!" he said. He stretched out a hand, presumably to help, but I was too afraid to move a muscle. "It's okay. I won't hurt you."

>>You should hurt me, I thought. I killed you.

>> And then the crying began. Tears filled my eyes and fell down my temples, and when Will kneeled next to me and tried to brush them away was when I really began to sob. He wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me into his lap, where I could cry into his shoulder.

>> "Shhh," he said. "I forgive you. I forgive you."

>> How? How could he forgive me after I stole everything from him?

>>"Hey, want to see something?" he asked. Without waiting for an answer, he stood up, took my hand, and took me towards a building that looked suspiciously like the Dauntless compound.

We ended up in the fear landscape room. I almost didn't let him take me in here. I grabbed the door handle, took my hand out of his, did everything to avoid going into that room again. But in he end he wrapped his arms around my waist-- despite my screaming-- and lifted me inside the room and kicked the door shut.

>>The fear landscape room wasn't the fear landscape room. It was set up like a movie theater, only without chairs. A screen occupied one wall, and the rest of the room was empty space.

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