Chapter 4

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     Timmy bought me flowers. He was so sweet. Then he said, "I need to talk to you."

     "Of course, babe you can tell me anything." I said looking away from the flowers and at him.

     "Well, just know I love you, and I will always love you." He said taking my hand. He looked out the window of our booth. "This is really hard for me to say." He took a deep breath. "This thing that's going on between us, I don't think it would work out. I get this feeling inside of me that God has a different person in mind for me. Please, don't be hurt by this, but I think we should see other people. I'm so sorry. Just know that I love you."

     I nodded my head. "I kind of actually agree with you. I don't think we're made for each other either. It's been fun, but now we've got to go our separate ways."

     "Exactly. We can still be friends, though, right?"

     "Of course. I never want to forget you, Timmy."

     "This is goodbye then." He got up.

     "Yes, but only to our relationship, not our friendship." I was actually trying to hold back the tears, even though I felt it was the right decision.

     Timmy noticed, so he came over to me and gave me a hug. "Stay strong for me. Don't cry because of me, there are better guys for you out there." I nodded my head, then he left.

     I got in my car and drove away from the restaurant. That was when the tears started pouring out. I always knew it would never work out between us. I guess I just wanted to prove myself wrong, but I only ended up proving myself right. I tried to block out the tears though because I needed to see what was in front of me while I was driving.

     I got to my apartment and unlocked the door. I lay on the couch and cried into a pillow. I wished Liz was there so I could have had someone to comfort me while I cried. She was out shopping, so I ran to the bathroom to let it out.

     Another hour went by, and I finally had the strength to leave the bathroom. "What took you so long? I had to use the building's public bathroom." Liz said then looked over at me. "Bridget, I'm so sorry. I didn't even realize you were crying. What happened?"

     "W-we broke up." I said quietly.

     "I'm so sorry." She came over to me and put her arm around me. She led me over to the couch. "First off, do I need to hurt someone?"

     "No, Liz, it wasn't that kind of break up." I said putting my hands up.

     "Okay, then what did happen? If you don't mind my asking." She said.

     "I'd rather talk about it later." I said looking at the television screen. It was nothing interesting, just a blank screen.

     "I'm going to get something to eat." She said.

     "Okay, don't be too long." I said jokingly. I heard the refrigerator door open.

     I also heard someone's voice say, "Hey, this is a really bad introduction, but I was wondering if you're all right? I heard you crying earlier." I immediately turned around and looked in the direction of the voice. My eyes started to widen. I looked back at my Michael Jackson poster, and the picture of Michael wasn't there. It was just a poster with a beautiful background, no sign of people anywhere. I looked back at the figure standing in front of me who oddly resembled Michael Jackson.

     "How did you get in here?" I asked a little scared.

     "I'm on your poster."

     "Who are you talking to?" I heard Liz say from the kitchen.

     "She can't see or hear me, only you can." He said.

     "I'm talking to myself." I said back to Liz. "Need to left out some emotions to myself too, you know?" I turned back to the man. "Then how can I see and hear you, and who are you?" I asked.

     "That first question was a very good question. I don't even know the answer. There is a manual, however, and I'm the guy from your poster, Michael Jackson, and don't be scared by me. I didn't come here to scare you."

     "Is this a joke?" I asked.

     "Nope." Michael said right as Liz walked back in the room. She didn't even notice Michael. I looked in between the two of them. I was astounded by that moment that I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming. It hurt, and I accidentally caused myself to bleed. I ran to the kitchen to wash off the blood, and Michael followed. He stood in the doorway and seemed a little confused. "Why did you do that?"

     "I don't know. I was checking to see if this is dream, and obviously it's not." I said dabbing the spot where I was bleeding.

     "Next time, try checking a different way." He said.

     "All right. Will do."

     "Now that you already know who I am, what's your name?"


     "I like that name."

     I blushed. "Thank you." We walked back into the living room. "Hey, Liz." I said sitting down. "I'm ready to talk about it." She nodded. "He didn't feel that we were right for each other."

     "That's why you were crying earlier." I heard a voice behind me say. I forgot Michael was there. I have really bad short term memory loss sometimes, but it's normal.

     "I'm sorry. I think you two were right for each other."

     I just nodded. "Promise me you won't hurt him?" I asked Liz and Michael.

     She sighed. "I promise."

     "Thanks." I said hugging her.

     "Fine." Michael said behind me.

     Liz decided to go to bed after we watched a movie. I decided to chat with Michael a bit longer. "I forgot to thank you for promising me you won't hurt Timmy." I said.

     "Oh, you're welcome. You seem surprised by that though. Why?" He asked.

     "Well, I thought you would be mad at him for making one of your fans cry."

     "Not really. You're not mad at him, so why should I be?"


     "No problem. So did you agree on why he broke up with you?"

     "Michael, you just met me. Why do you want to get caught up in my love life?"

     "True, I just met you, but you're a fan..."

     "Yes, I'm a fan that you just met. I'm just saying, it's a bad idea." I said cutting him off.

     "Okay, if it means that much to you, I'll ask again when we know each other a bit better."

     "Thank you." I said yawning. "It's time for me to go to bed." I said walking over to my bed. Michael was about to go back in the poster, but I grabbed his arm. "Will I ever see you again if you go back in the poster?"

     "Of course. This poster is my bed. It's not like I'm leaving you." I let go of his arm, and he walked back into the poster.

★What do you think? Is it good? Should I make any changes? Please, don't be afraid to tell me if I made a mistake in my story or if you think I should bring Timmy back. Thanks for reading!★

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