Viktor Nikiforov||Cuddles

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I made this one for myself bc ffffffff, their relationship is my life.

Viktor's Pov
Viktor x Yuuri k.

I walked back from the store after grabbing some cough drops.

Yuuri has caught a little cold after his last performance, which still doesn't fail to suprise me everytime I think about it.

I find it kind of foolish that the only thing I could think of was to kiss him, it seemed like a good idea at the time.

I lick my lips.

Now all the press can filter out is "More than just Coach and Student?"

Not like it matters to me

it doesn't seem to faze Yuuri much either, but then again after I kissed him he went on like he forgot about it.

I shrug to myself as I near the house.

Some people take longer than others.

I take off my shoes as I enter and I look around it seeming oddly quiet.

There was a note stuck to the frame of the living room door and I pull it off.

'We will be back at around 3! We went out for lunch, Be good! ~ Mom ♡'

I smile, Yuuri's mom was always so sweet, she even insisted that I call her mom also.

I glance up at the clock.


They must have left recently.

I walk in to find Yuuri sprawled out on his back on the couch, fast asleep.

Makkachin (viktor's dog for those of you who don't know) is laying in between his legs, his head rested on Yuuri's chest.

I smile gently at the pair and Makkachin looks up making Yuuri's hand fall from his curls on his head.

I sigh walk over setting the cough drops on the table and look down at the two.

I nudge Makkachin with my hand "move over"

The fluffy dog stands up and shakes, he then jumps down and waddles down the hall and into my room.

I can never get over how cute he is.

I look down at Yuuri.

I can never get over how cute he is either.

I crawl on top of him and take Makkachin's place.

I wrap my arms around his torso and rest my cheek against his chest.

Yuuri sighs his arm instinctively coming up to wrap around me, his thighs wrapping around just above my waist.

I lay there listening to his heart beat steadily and I close my eyes.

It was peaceful.

The rising and falling of his chest was rythmic, I could feel myself drifting off to sleep.

He smells nice.

I scoot up a bit to rest my cheek against his collarbone, my forehead resting against his neck.

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