Chapter Three-Claude and Company

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Seven long years had passed after that occurrence and I was now the messenger of Satan and his right hand.

"You failed me Claude," I pause to fathers words.

"I asked you to defeat Sebastian and yet you get addicted to his masters soul, your a bloody fool. Now that he's still alive he could kill everyone up on the Earth."

"I'm sorry sir." Claude had replied.

I breathed out.

"Father, I have the message from Charles." I turn the corner.

"Claude your here, did something occur?" I ask.

"No of course not."

"The message of Charles, what's the verdict?" Asked Father.

"The mission is nearing completion, the woman is near her death."

He nods.

I was about to walk out. "Cleric,"

I turn again. "Sebastian is in a newly situation, the master ordered a eternal contract. The Master is a fledgling demon. I need a full report of the situation and bring him home Cleric. Bring your brother home."

I bow and leave the room.

"Farewell Father, brother Calvo."


"My mission is to bring Sebastian home before he has another blood list attack. I'm doing it for your and his safety. The Demonic Court issued a execution for him if another attack should arise. At least with the release of the convent you'll see him again sooner or later, with his body and mind in one piece."

His master thought long and hard. "There is no other option to this crisis?"

I shake my head and reply, "Non."

He sighs.

"Sorry, but I'll take that chance."

I grip his bow. "You bloody fool, all you care about is your damn pride. I'd kill you now and relieve my brother if his duties of a butler but I'm not that selfish.

Id rather see him a demon without a master then killing other good people, people like your mother and father who asked me to protect you with my life if they should pass while I was away!"

His eyes widened. "My parents were really under a convent." He mumbled.

I release him. An I yank my glove off. My pentagram present.

"Vincent Phantomhive was my master, he ordered me to track down the people who dare defile his family and the queen. I found them and by then I didn't realize what had happened."

I turn and face Sebastian who stood shocked. "That's why I felt so uneasy putting this manor back together. Your presence had changed slightly."

I look down. "Sebastian return to base, leave your master behind."

Silence was the only thing I heard.

"Just go, both of you never come back."

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