"All right, you made your point." -John Winchester

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I flipped over in bed, burrowing myself deeper into my thick blanket. It was a cold night and even with flannel pj bottoms and a long sleeved shirt, I was still chilly.

Pounding on the front door had me jumping out of bed. Taking the gun from my nightstand, I made my way down the hall.

3 figures stood on my porch. 2 held each other while the other knocked rapidly.


My shoulders sagged with relief when I recognized the voice as John Winchester.

"Coming!" I said, loudly.

Being extra cautious, I went to the side table that I had in the hall, and rubbed a special ointment between my hands. It was meant to burn anything inhuman.

John had given it to me, telling me to use it anytime someone was at the door.

I opened the door and gasped. Dean, Sam and John were beat all to hell.

"Oh god," I said.

Taking my hand, I touched John's wrist, then Dean and Sam's neck. They were in the clear.

I ushered them in, "Whomever's hurt the worst is first."

"Sammy is ,Y/N." Dean said, walking to the kitchen where he sat Sam down.

John went to the living room and sat on the couch, groaning as he sank into the cushions.

"John?" I checked on him before getting my supplies.

He ran a hand down his face, sighing. When he looked up, he gave me a tired grin, "I'm okay," he whispered. "Go fix up the boys."

I bit my lip, nodding. When I passed him, his hand snuck out, grasping my fingers.

I looked back at him over my shoulder.

"Thank you." Those two words held so much more.

John and I had been together for the past year and we didn't want the boys knowing about us, at least not yet. He knew how protective they were of me.

I'd known the Winchester's for the past 20 years and the boys were always welcomed at my home.

John and I; our feelings shifted one night a year ago. He'd shown up on my door step, injured, but far worse than what he was tonight.

I'd helped him back to health and learned many things along the way that he normally would have kept to himself about hunting.

We were even at a point where I was able to help them concerning certain cases.

John squeezed my hand, quickly bringing it to his lips for a kiss.

Winking, I smiled at him, letting my fingers slip through his grasp.

I went to my hall closet, which was jam packed with just about any damn thing medical, even IV's.

Thankfully, Sam and Dean's injuries weren't that bad. They were mostly banged up and clearly exhausted.

"You boys take the guest room."

Dean came over and hugged me, kissing my temple, "Thanks Y/N."

I smiled, "You're welcome, Dee."

Sam carefully pulled himself up and limped over to me. He put an arm over my shoulder, giving me a side hug, "Thank you."

I rubbed his back, "Welcome Sammy. Now y'all get to bed. You'll be paying for this in the morning."

"Yes mother," Dean said, rolling his eyes.

I chuckled, turning to clean up the dirty gauze and wrappers. I grabbed some more supplies and went back to the living room.

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