Chapter 31

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After their first study date, Aomine continued to head to the Kobayshi house after school to study and enjoy Sayuri's company. She was in the top twenty of the students in the school grade wise. She was also a calm and helpful teacher. He started to improve quickly. She was confident she could have he pass by the exams.

She spent her day chatting with Aomine and Momoi in between classes and during lunch. Fujimoto joined them during lunch and walked home with them occasionally. Aomine had grown to tolerate Fujimoto. And as Fujimoto declared one morning. "Aomine's great, we're good friends." He didn't seem to notice Aomine shocked and angry face. Fujimoto ignored his hostility with an innocent and bashful look of a school boy with a new friend.

After splitting up with their friends Sayuri and Aomine walked to her home and ate dinner with them, Sayuri's mother teased Sayuri and poked seemingly innocent quarrels with Aomine as if to test and tease him. While Sayuri rough and intimidating father let out a gentle side Sayuri thought was reserved for her family. He was dragging Aomine around as they bonded over sports. Sayuri was jealous. Her own father never took such an interest in anything, not even his own kids.

Then again she also felt jealous that he would rob her of Aomine and she couldn't help but feel left out, so recently she had been researching the rules of the game and trying to gain an interest in it.

After dinner, and when she could drag him away from her dad. She set him down in her room and had him working for the rest of the night. At first she had difficulty keeping him on track. He found teasing her more interesting. So she took a page from Momoi's book with a smirk. 

The thought came to her as she managed to avoid his last attack. She sat in front of him and pulled out her swim suit she had prepared for their beach trip and innocently showed it to him. Excitedly talking about the trip and her plans. 

The swim suit was a modest one piece as she was a shy and reserved person who wasn't comfortable showing skin. Despite the lack skin. It was a red rather low cut swim suit with a lot of room for her rack. She teased Aomine about how she would dress in it, and how he wouldn't get the pleasure of seeing her in it if he didn't study. She knew the tactic would make things more difficult if he passed and accompanied her to the beach. But she decided a little embarrassment at the beach would be worth it in the long run. 

Since she had used her tactic he took his studies more seriously and teased her less. Which left her relieved and pouty as he wasn't paying attention to her anymore. She wondered if redirecting his attention was worth it. 

When they studied Akira like the first time would occasionally drop by and do his studying in her bedroom along with Aomine. Sayuri would sit beside him cuddling closer much to his embarrassment and pleasure, and help him as well with his studies. 

Sayuri noticed that he seemed to be warming up to Aomine, or at least tolerating, he still hated the idea of a boyfriend stealing his sister away. But he didn't start as many fights. No, instead Aomine picked them. Sayuri sat cuddled up to Akira helping him with a math problem leaning against his shoulder her head tilted onto his as she shared their warmth. 

Aomine who was hovering over her coffee table, sitting with his legs crossed over one another, glanced to the two sitting on her bed. His eyes resting on  Sayuri in her pink pajama shorts. The hot summer nights had drove her wearing her cotton pink shorts around the house and even in front of Aomine. 

His eyes followed her legs upwards and to her stomach, along her chest examining the soft flesh beneath the thin shirt. His eyes stayed in her as he twirled his pen in his fingers his attention dragged to Sayuri body in her thin garments stripping her with his eyes. 

Sayuri felt a sudden shiver up her spine and she turned to Aomine to see him staring at her with a hot gaze. She turned away with a blush and instinctively pulled her blanket over her legs and straightened her posture. She then turned back towards him and stuck out her tongue. He smirked and immediately stood up and walked to her bed reaching over and grabbing her arm and pulling her up to meet him. 

She let out a squeal at the sudden jerk. Akira looked up and glared at Aomine before turning away to continue his school work. Aomine didn't seem to care he was in the room and continued to tighten his grip around her as he pulled her body against his. "Perv, do your work moron." She beat on his chest with a blush playing at her cheeks. 

Aomine tilted his head beside her ear and playfully blew his hot breath at it. She shivered and melted his arms for a moment trying her hardest to let go. "You jerk, let go." She said trying to get away. He merely leaned his head further down his mouth against her ear as he slid her skin beneath his teeth and playfully bit her ear. 

This was it for Akira as he jumped up taking a pillow with his to beat on Aomine. Aomine laughed and pulled Sayuri behind his back to shield her from the blows. As they started fighting she pouted and yelled. "You'll never get anything done if you sit around and play all night!" 

It had been a week since tutoring had started. Akira had grown more and more tolerant of Aomine's touchy behavior towards Sayuri. He almost looked like he was having fun when he started pillow fights with Aomine. Aomine saw it as nothing more than a game. He got to touch Sayuri, and have a little fun while at it. 

Sayuri got tired of it quick and would merely sit and read while the boy got out all their energy. Aomine seemed to have plenty of it now club activities were at a stand still. If he was taking it out on Akira, he wasn't teasing her. 

When something wasn't around to keep Aomine entertained he got bold and She'd already slapped him, or attempted to, twice this week. 

After giving Momoi a progress report she was rewarded a sleepover when  summer started. Sayuri was excited. She had a beach trip, possible more than one, and a sleep over planned. As well as a family trip to Okinawa. 

She thought up other plans. She wanted to invite Momoi shopping, and Aomine to an aquarium. As she thought about it she realized just how much time she spent around Aomine. She spent all day with him at school and all night with his at home. He was becoming a part of her life, a part of what make Sayuri Kobayashi, Sayuri Koybashi  

As quick as it had come the week passed and it was the end of the semester. 

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