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Hello!! This is a trial for this book, if you like what your reading vote and comment!! I Also want to give a big thanks to
for the book cover and all hard work she did!! other than that Enjoy!!

Darkness........that's all I know

Light..........never heard of it

I don't know love......all I know is how to kill

People say I'm insane........well it's true.....being locked in a dark room not able to see.....what was it called....colors.....

I am a forgotten memory..........

A disgrace.......

I'm banished from reality......

Beaten senseless...

Now.......I will get the people who kidnapped me back.........

I will get her's all her fault....She took me from my pack......

I've been listening.....they think I can't hear.....but I can..

I've heard them refer to me as Ackelious.........Ackelious the death weilder.....I have a name........ A name that strikes fear......

I hear it in their voice... they're afraid of me.... That's why I'm here......

I'm a threat to them..... *chuckles* they have made me a threat....

As I get older my power grows.......That brings me to my current position....

I've been hearing them talking about moving a cell that can stand my current output of energy... perfect timing for me to escape..... Now All I have to do.........Is Wait......

Ackelious The Death WielderWhere stories live. Discover now