Chapter 1

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HEYYYYY everyone!! Since I got a few comments I decided to continue to the first chapter!! Yayyyy!!! Anyway sorry for the short chapter!! Enjoy!


"It's been 48 hours since subject 1158 has tried to wake up," I type on the computer in the dark room. Only light in the damp and moist room was the computer, I had always questioned why we had to come down here and check on subject 1158, also known as Ackelious.

I sigh at my thoughts, and I continue to type on the computer, "I'm the third of three guards that have been sent down here. The first two that were sent down and ended up going insane. They lasted about a week, I've lasted over a month which is a record, but I can feel my sanity slipping. I've started hearing things, scratching on the walls and even a voice behind me but there will no one there." I looked up from the computer at the sound of a crash.

I look around at the dark walls surrounding me and shake the sound off as a figment of my imagination and went back to typing, "When we do the cell change for Ackelious we will have to take him off the drugs that keep him in the endless sleep. I have an uneasy feeling about this, this villain...he's smart, cunning and can pull your Sanity just by thinking of it. He is a force to be reckoned with, he's planing something I can feel his consciousness swirl with thoughts." I shake my head as I hear my name called off to the left and down the hall, he's trying to get my sanity.

I start typing quicker as the voice calling my name gets louder, "This will be my last entry, I can hear his thoughts telling me to come to him. I must go....before he gets mad.
--guard three," I hold my head as it starts to throb, I need to get out of here but the voice is too strong to ignore, I press a button and head towards the hall on the left, 'I won't be making out of this alive,' I think seeing the computer light turn off.

HEY!! How did you like it!! If you did comment down in the comments! If you want to give tips or even influence the story!! DONT Forget TO VOTE PLEASSEEE!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2018 ⏰

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