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Hoseok woke up early again the next day. Even though the job he had gotten seemed more questionable than before he had the interview, he knew that this was still his last chance. He still had to try.

As he got ready for his day, he realized that no one had ever told him what time he had to arrive. Or what exactly he would be doing. He didn't know if he had to dress up or wear clothes that were comfortable to dance in. Would he be meeting whomever he had to choreograph for? The only thing the man had told him was to come in tomorrow. Maybe this was some sort of test of character.

A test that he would pass.

So he put on his nicest dance clothes, grabbed his keys from his counter, and left his apartment determined to make a good impression. On the way to the train, he stared wistfully past a coffee shop. He didn't have enough money for that. He couldn't waste the money he needed to pay his rent on something so fleeting, even if he found a new potential source of income.

When he arrived at the building, he pushed open the door to meet the receptionist. He was about to tell her he had no idea where to go when she told him to go up to the third floor. Everyone was there. She apparently already knew who he was.

Hoseok was slightly shocked at the word 'everyone.' As far as he knew, he would only be creating choreography for one person. Most likely the man he had met yesterday. He didn't know it was a group.

But, Hoseok reminded himself as he made his way up the two flights of stairs, maybe he wasn't actually offered the job yet. Maybe he had just made it to the finals and the rest of the finalists were up there too.

As he found himself in the doorway of the practice room, he wasn't sure what to think. There was a group of boys dancing passionately to a loud song about unrequited love, and they were doing very well. Surprising well. All of their movements were precise and on-beat, and they could probably compete with other groups Hoseok had seen performing.

But soon the song came to an end and the boys broke out of their formation to take a break. They formed groups around the room, chatting and taking sips from the water bottles in their hands. A few sat down on the ground, some started stretching.

The first one to notice Hoseok standing at the door was Jimin. At first, he wondered why the younger boy was here, and why he was dancing, before he realized that Jimin gave him the job application. He probably worked here. That would probably explain why he seemed to be getting better at dancing every day at the dance studio, too.

"Hoseok hyung!" The brown haired boy shouted as he left the two other boys he was talking to, "You actually made it!"

Hoseok was slightly worried. Did that mean he arrived late? Maybe he should have asked for a time from the man yesterday.

"Wait!" Another boy from Jimin's group called out. "Is this the one who got Yoongi hyung?" The taller boy came up behind Jimin and flung his arms over his shoulders while peering at Hoseok.

The remaining sweaty boys in the room filtered over to meet him. Or stare. They seemed to be doing both. Jimin and the other boy were just sharing quiet whispers between themselves.

The only thought Hoseok could come up with was that they all seemed too good looking to be real. Also that it seemed like they wouldn't care what he was wearing since they were all dressed in worse looking work-out clothes than he was.

Finally, Jimin decided to break the awkwardness as he spoke up, "Hyung meet my members: Taehyung, Jungkook, Seokjin hyung, Namjoon hyung, and you already met him, but Yoongi hyung." He pointed to each one in turn.

Yoongi avoided meeting his gaze.

"You must be really good hyung, if you had the interview with Yoongi hyung and you're here!" Jimin's eyes were wide with wonder.

Hoseok shrugged and looked towards Yoongi again who shuffled his feet along the ground.

Yoongi flapped a hand through the air and let out a puff of air. "We'll see kid, he still has to get approved by the rest of you brats, and then by management."

The rest of the members just gave him a strange look.


Hoseok hardly remembered a time when he had danced so many different styles. For the rest of the hiring process, he had to choreograph a variety of differently styled songs, and with that came different styles of dance.

But his efforts weren't in vain. He ended up getting hired to create choreography for the boygroup named BTS.

They set him up with some of their newest songs to choreograph which he stayed up late into the night to listen to. He had to get the right feel of the song to get the right feel to the dance.

He might've finally found his dream.


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