Chapter Two

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It was like something inside of that woman snapped. My vision went white, I heard a banshee screech. Like nails on a chalkboard. I heard glass shattering and Amina screaming my name. I felt the ground open up and swallow me. I felt like I was going to drown in the dirt, that I was being buried alive. Then all of a sudden it was dead silent. My vision came back but all I could see was black. My first few days were a night mare. The Pit is not empty no. Every once in a while you will find food or another person also floating in the void. I think it was about five years after I was banished that I ran into a person that knew about what happened to Amina. Naima had locked her in a cellar for disobeying her. Amina died of grief. That was almost 300 years ago. I have learned that I can't die. I see people come and go everyday. The most I have learned about The Pit is that it does have a bottom. When you are about to hit the bottom everything goes in slow motion and right before you make contact it stops. Then what happens is everything goes in reverse and you are back at the top of The Pit. It is just like that first day. I always wondered what mine and Amina's life could have been like. Now it is only in my dreams.

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