Chapter Three

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I don't know why she put me here. To punish me to punish Amina. I just don't understand why she didn't want Amina to be happy. I wish I could hold her. I wish that she was here with me at least I wouldn't be alone. I hate being alone with my thoughts. It makes me realize that this isn't a dream I am not going to wake up. This is reality however terrifying it might be. I swear that I Malachi Hensley will see the love of my life again. I can't stand living in this darkness anymore I can't. I can feel myself going insane. I'm loosing my mind. I feel like screaming her name into the void but no one will hear. It is like that saying if a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound. I wonder where ever Amina is if she has for forgotten me. If all of her memories were wiped so that she could start over without all of the pain. I wish I could do that.

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