Chapter 8

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John’s POV

I watched as she broke down in her room, not even making it to her bed before she started crying. It broke my heart to see her like this. I barely stopped myself from running to her and take away all her pain. But we both needed this. People would target her if she was with me, and as my father put it, it is unfitting for a prince to be seen with a mere human.

He had reminded me time and time again that I can’t take the throne with a human by my side. I even asked if I could change her so I can have her by my side for eternity. He had laughed, saying I need a pure vampire. I felt so selfish; I had chosen the throne over the girl I loved. But there was no way I was going to have my brother rule. He was cruel and heartless, wanting the throne for all the wrong reasons.

Slowly, Rose calmed down, and her parents came home. At first, Rose just watched as they pulled up. But when they walked in, she hastily wiped away the tears. She stood up, took a deep breathe, and she put on a smile. Anyone could see through it, and she knew it.

She called to her parents, sitting back on her bed. I left before I saw anything else.

Rose’s POV

After about a half hour after my parents got home I decided to go down. I really didn’t want to sit moping around, thinking about the asshole that dumped me. And he could still say that he loved me, that he was only doing this for protection?

I grabbed my purse, glancing at my reflection in the mirror before leaving the room. I need a distraction, so I’ll take my parents out to dinner.

I hopped downstairs, smiling when I saw my parents. My dad was sitting at the table, reading some papers from work. I got my height from him, since he was 6’2. My mother on the other hand was 5’6, so she was rather short.

My mother had dirty blonde hair, while my father’s hair was totally blonde. He had brown eyes, like my father’s, so we have no idea why my eyes are green. I skipped to the chair in front of him, sitting down quietly. He looked up, smiling when he saw how energetic I was.

“Rose, you’re 18, you need to stop acting like a 6 year old.” He tried to sound stern, but failed miserably.

“Dad, I want to treat you and mom to dinner tonight.” As I finished, my mother came into the room in the graceful way only she can pull off.

“Did I hear you say you’re taking us out to dinner? Are you okay?” I laughed, standing up.

“Of course I am. I’m just tired of eating leftovers. Are you guys ready, because I’m starving.” The last time I ate was when I had lunch with the butthead, and it was about 6:45.

My mother nodded as my father stood up. “I’m only agreeing if you pay.” he said, passing me. We left, them heading to their boring car as I headed to my sweet 2011 VW Beetle. She was a light blue with black leather seats. She was a present for my 18th birthday, and I loved her.

As we pulled out, I rolled down my windows, telling my parents that we were going to the restaurant of their choice. They quickly pulled in front of me, giving me no choice but to follow. As we got closer to Chili’s, which was my parents’ absolute favorite, I started to feel anxious. I didn’t know why, but I was getting more excited about this. I hope this goes well…


I know this is short, but the next chapter will be better, I promise! Plus The Voice is on, and I don't want to miss it...

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