Chapter 3

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Rose’s POV

How stupid can I get? I walked into the men’s bathroom! I didn’t even realize that at first, however, because right when I got inside, I calmed down, and all I thought was finally. It was weird. And the more I thought about it, I think I went in there on purpose.

When I finally got my breathing under control, I finally realized that someone else was in there. Slowly, I opened my eyes, and I gasped silently. His eyes were a pale, icy blue. He had blondish, brown hair, and he had a nice tan. And there was another, small detail. The guy in front of me was huge. And I thought I was tall at 5’11. This guy was well over that.

He was hot, too. Probably had a girlfriend. Or, maybe he was a player. I took a step back at the thought. I definitely didn’t want to deal with one of them. I froze however when worry flashed in his eyes, and he stepped forward.

He took a few more steps, until he was right in front of me. Now he just towered over me. He looked like he was about to ask me something, when a toilet flushed behind me. Well, that was romantic. But it was a distraction, and I broke my gaze from him. I needed to snap out of this. I had a boyfriend. I should be thinking about him. Hell, I didn’t even know the name of the guy in front of me!

I looked behind him to see a guy in his mid-forties. He froze when he saw me. “Young lady, you do know this is the men’s restroom… right?” I slowly looked around, and I finally noticed the urinals. I felt the blood rush to my face, and mumbling a quick sorry, I opened the door.

But I didn’t want to leave without the guy. I looked back at him, and he seemed to understand. He grabbed the side of the door, and was right behind me when I left.

As we stepped out, a short girl with short, brown hair over to us. She looked sort of familiar, but I didn’t know where I’ve seen her.

“Hi! What were you doing in the boy’s bathroom?” she asked, looking between me and the blonde.

“I was trying to get away from my friend. But in my defense, I had no idea this was the boy’s bathroom!” I quickly held up my hands, making the blonde behind me laugh. I couldn’t help but smile.

The girl looked me over quickly, and then turned to the blonde. It sort of looked like they were having a silent conversation. I was about to ask about it, when I heard the one person I was trying to avoid the most.

“Rose!” Jen yelled as she rushed over to us. “There you are!” she ran to my side, but froze when she saw the people I was with. “I see you’ve met Sophie.”

I tilted my head and look at Sophie. “You know each other?”

It was Jen who answered. “She started school on Friday. We didn’t talk much, though. Now Rose, come on. John is here. I was going to tell you earlier, but you ran off!” She reached for my arm, but her eyes drifted behind me. “Who is he?”  she asked, but she didn’t even look at me. I couldn’t help but get the felling she already knew. I turned and also looked at the blonde.

“I… don’t know his name.” I admitted sheepishly. He smiled, (which made my heart flutter) and extended his arm.

“My name’s Luke.” he said, taking my hand in his. I smiled. His voice was deep, sexy… gosh, Rose! Snap out of it! You have a boyfriend! I swear, sometimes I really disgusted myself.

“Rose.” I said quietly. His smile widened, and my heart almost stopped.

“Well, Rose, how you like to come have lunch with me?” My smile immediately fell. Well, I guess he didn’t have a girlfriend…

“I’m so sorry, Luke. I really am. But-” Jen cut me off.

“She already has a boyfriend.” I saw a deep sadness flash through Luke’s eyes, and I was instantly filled with guilt. Jen smirked at him as she pulled me back. Luke looked confused for a second, and then he… sniffed the air? He seemed shocked for a second, but then he was filled with rage. He started to shake, and he sent Jen a glare so harsh, I even shivered. But Jen only laughed.

I watched as Sophie put a hand on Luke’s arm, (since she couldn’t reach his shoulder) and slowly he started to calm down. But before I could see anything else, we were swallowed up by a large crowd of people.

I met my mate in a bathroom. Romantic? Ha, think again...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora