~Seven Hours Of Wait~

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The dog sat at the river bank
Waiting for its friend
Seven hours had gone by
But the wait didn't end

It sat near the water
With those hopeful eyes
It can't lose another friend
No, not at any price

But what could it do
It was just an innocent dog
Who craved for nothing more
Just some love to stock

She had to come
She was a true friend
Whom the dog wanted
Till the very end

As time went past
Dog's heart turned sour
Its faith began to falter
When the clock turned another hour

No, she was an angel
No, she won't betray
She would love the dog
Even if it was stray

It wasn't ready to give up
It won't lose the hope
The dog recited it again
That was his mantra to cope

That was his mantra to cope...

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