the truth is revealed

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I rubbed off the make up she had on her porcelain face and saw something only in nightmares. Her face was a mix of red, black, purple and navy. She had a black eye and bruised cheeks with a cut on her lip as well as on her cheek. It was startling to see such a pretty face with such hideous scars. Not that she was any less pretty. She didn't deserve this at all. She needed to be free and away from Chloe's dictatorship. So I gave her another hug, careful not to hurt her,she tensed then relaxed into the hug. I then tightened the embrace and she said she couldn't breathe that's when I let go of her. Next was a free period so I asked Mari if she wanted to talk.
"Sure Adrien." She replied
So we talked the whole period and I found out she had a crush on me. At first I was surprised but then I hugged her, let go and kissed her on the lips. She was shocked at first then kissed back. I pulled back and asked:
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng will you be my girlfriend?"
"Of course!" She then kissed me and the bell went signalling we had to go to hell I mean sport.

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