Chapter 1

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I remember the first time I met him vividly: it was a warm summer's evening and the breeze moved lazily through the trees. The sun was setting, and the only sounds I could hear were the crunch of my feet against the gravel path as I walked and my heart beating in a steady rhythm.

The garden was breathtaking, filled with flowers of many colors and trees so tall that they almost reached to the sides of the palace. I had never come here before; I had never had time, but it was my new favorite place in Asgard.

I rounded a corner into a small alcove that I wouldn't have even noticed had I not been paying attention to the beautiful foliage. Its entrance was no more than a small, overgrown break in the thick wall of trees that faintly revealed an old door. Curious, I entered and was shocked at what lay before me: a small reflecting pool sat in the center of a beautiful garden. Branches and vines formed a pseudo roof and blocked out almost all light from outside. The plants that grew there were ones I had never seen before, with exotic flowers of intriguing colors. I examined one of the flowers closer. It was a deep purple that faded to brilliant blue on the edges. The flower itself seemed to emit a faint black glow.

Driven by my newfound inquisition, I wandered through the garden looking at each individual plant. They were all uniquely beautiful and alien. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice the arrival of another person until I heard him clear his throat. At the entrance, stood a boy of about my age with medium-length ebony hair, pale skin, and eyes greener than any I had ever seen. He was wearing a plain black tunic with long sleeves, and dark gray trousers.

"Hello," I said hesitantly.

"What are you doing here?" he asked sharply.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know I wasn't allowed, I just saw the entrance and thought- I thought that I would go see what was here. It's so beautiful, I just-" His harsh words made me nervous. I wasn't someone easily flustered, but the way this boy carried himself screamed authority and confidence.

"What is your name?" he asked me, some of the anger gone from his voice. He seemed to have softened when I said the garden was beautiful.

"Allyra," I replied, "Who are you?" I had never seen this boy before, but he seemed vaguely familiar. I wondered why he had come across so harshly before. Who was he to dictate who entered the gardens?

"I am Loki, son of Odin."

I stiffened in shock. His familiarity made sense now: he was the son of the king and queen. I didn't know what to say, but I dropped to my knee, brought one arm across my chest, and bowed my head. "My prince," I managed, "I apologize. I did not know this garden was off limits."

For the first time since he had entered, Loki seemed to have trouble finding words. "People only kneel to my father," he said softly. The inflection in his voice made him sound...surprised?

At this, I raised my head. "You are royalty as well my prince, I thought it proper to kneel. Forgive me, I was just leaving." I got up and hurried toward the small door through which I had come.

"You don't have to go." I stopped short and turned slowly, confused. He continued, "I wouldn't mind someone to talk to. That is if you want to stay..." His face showed some emotion that I could not understand: he looked apologetic. His mood had turned as quickly as the wind and I was left trying to understand what he meant.

"Only if you wish my prince."

His face brightened, and a smile stretched across his lips. I walked back in his direction and couldn't help but return the smile. The prince pointed at the flower I had been examining. "You like this one?" he asked. I nodded, and his eyes lit up as he began to tell me about it. It was called the Arubae, and it was from Norstrundir. Then, he showed me something even more extraordinary: if you stroked the flower gently and precisely, a light, melodic sound could be heard. It was almost like the sound of someone running their finger along the rim of a wineglass; a lovely ringing tone that sent chills racing across my arms.

Midnight in the garden of mischief & mayhemOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant