Chapter 12

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Loki and I walked arm-in-arm through the golden halls yet again. This time though, we didn't have anywhere to be, we just wandered aimlessly, Loki pointing out his favorite places and occasionally telling me stories of his childhood in the palace.

"And here," he said, pointing to through an arch to a large open area, "is where they teach warriors to fight."

Several pairs were scattered through the courtyard, sparring with each other. I noticed that each time one of their weapons came into contact with their partner's body, a blue light zapped from the point of contact. "What is that?"

"Training partners wear special armor and use specific weaponry made to react to each other," Loki explained. 

It was hypnotic to watch the Asgardians fight. I had never seen battle up close, and although I imagined the real thing was much more chaotic than this, there was a certain art to the way they moved and handled their weapons, deadly but beautiful. It made me wonder what Loki looked like when he was in combat.

I turned to ask Loki if he ever did any fight training, but he was gone. I looked up the hall just in time to catch his retreating form rounding a corner. Running to catch up, I shouted his name. When I finally reached him, he turned around with an innocent look on his face, a small grin playing at the corners of his lips. "Whatever is the matter darling?"

I smacked his shoulder and fell back into step beside him. 

We continued on through the palace, Loki showing me some of his favorite places in the castle. When we finally got back to his room, I had a much better idea of the layout of the castle. 

"Do you want to go back to the library?"

"Actually, I have something to attend to. How about when I get back?" Loki's eyebrows drew together in confusion, but he didn't ask, merely giving me a smile and a light kiss on the cheek before walking into his room and closing the door. I took a deep breath and started off toward the queen's chambers.

My anxiety mounted with every step and questions swirled in my head. What did she want to speak with me about? Had I done something wrong? 

I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I almost missed the door. I knocked timidly and heard the queen's voice answer from inside. "Enter."

I set my shoulders back and slipped through the door, shutting it lightly behind me. The room was very similar to Loki's, only much bigger. Lush carpeting covered the floor and a large vanity stood against one wall. Frigga sat on a chaise by a large window that looked out over the city. "You...uh wished to speak with me my queen?"

"Yes," replied Frigga, smiling warmly, "I actually wanted to thank you."

That threw me. "Th-thank me for what, your majesty?"

"For being what Loki has needed all these years. You've changed him, brought him out of his shell." My face must have betrayed my confusion because she smiled and explained. "I suppose you can't see it, but those of us who have been with him every's amazing how different he is with you. You...sharpen him, bring him into focus. It makes me pleased to see him so happy."

I was speechless as my mind raced to try to formulate an appropriate response. My face must have betrayed my nerves because the queen smiled at me comfortingly. "And Allyra, no more 'my queen' and 'your majesty'. You live here now, please dear, call me Frigga."

"Thank you m- Frigga. You've been nothing but kind to me these last few days. You've made me feel so welcome, and I can't thank you enough for that." With a bright smile, the queen stepped forward and hugged me. 

My mother had never been particularly motherly towards me, always yelling at me to do this or that, or making degrading remarks. But when Frigga embraced me I felt like maybe this was how the relationship was supposed to be between a mother and daughter, safe. And kind. The thought brought tears to my eyes as I hugged her back, and that was what cemented in my mind a feeling that I'd had since I first arrived in the palace: I had finally found a place to belong. 

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