Chapter 8

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I awoke with a start, my mind taking a few seconds to recall the events of the previous night. As my eyes adjusted to the now-bright room, I looked to my left at Loki. He slept so peacefully, a small grin playing at his lips. The angles and planes of his face were sharpened and defined further by the sunlight leaking through the balcony window. 

Quietly, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and slipped out. I tiptoed over to the balcony windows, wanting to see the spectacular city in the early morning light. Again, I was amazed at the sheer beauty of Asgard. I had grown up here and lived here all my life, but never had I seen it so beautiful as I did now. From here, I could see the rainbow bridge and the Observatory of Heimdall. 

I laid my hands on the railing and closed my eyes, reveling in the feeling of the breeze in my loose hair and the cool metal beneath my fingers. Suddenly, an entirely new sensation overpowered the others; Loki's arms snaked around me, his hands resting on either side of mine. I smiled, "Goodmorning."

"Mmm, goodmorning," he murmered. His lips touched my shoulder and continued to my neck, trailing kisses along my bare skin. My eyes flew open and I leaned into him, his sweet mint scent engulfing me. 

"Loki," I whispered, barely audible. "Loki," I repeated, this time a bit louder.

His mouth moved to my ear. "Yes?"

"Shouldn't we be going?" I knew my minutes with him now were limited, for I had to return to my nightmarish real life. This all felt like some sort of dream, and I knew I had to wake up sooner or later. Loki sighed, his breath sending chills racing across my skin. 

"Yes, I suppose so. We have to get to breakfast soon,'ve got to go back." I turned around, hearing the sadness in his voice mirror that which I felt in my heart. I wrapped him in a hug, tears brimming in my eyes. I didn't ever want to leave. "Come on," he whispered after a little while, "breakfast awaits us."

I changed quickly into a gold embroidered day dress and Loki pulled on another tunic and a pair of black trousers to match. When I stepped out of the bathroom, my hair was loosely twisted at my neck and I wore the necklace he had given me again. "You look ravishing," he announced. I smiled nervously, a blush fleeing across my cheeks. "Shall we?" He offered me his arm and I took it as he led us back into the long gold corridors. 

This time, the route to the dining hall was a bit more familiar, so much so that I was almost positive I could have gotten there on my own if I had tried. When we entered, Loki gave my hand a little squeeze again, reading my body language perfectly as usual. 

Breakfast consisted of Asgardian tea, lavender cakes, and fresh fruit. We sat in the same arrangement as the previous night, and I was not surprised that Thor's plate, unlike the rest of ours was piled high with flapjacks and sausages made, I presumed, specially for him. He greeted us heartily, with a not-so-subtle look at his brother that made me blush again. Frigga smiled and gave a polite "Hello," to both of us, and Odin's salutation was much less friendly. It seemed as though he was tolerating me, though only barely. It upset me, his apparent dislike of me, and I made it a mission to prove him wrong, whatever it was he didn't seem to like. 

The friendly conversation of the night before resumed in full measure, and I enjoyed it immensly. But, just like my time at the palace, it had to end. Everyone excused themselves. Thor had to go train, Odin had to meet with some of his officers about a threat from Jotunheim, and Frigga needed to perform a wedding. Loki walked me out to the doors we had entered from the garden not so many hours before. "I guess I shall be off then..." I said, unable to bring myself to move from his side.

"Oh no, I'm coming with you!" he replied, shaking his head. I smiled, momentarily putting off our goodbye, and we set off. 

Walking through the streets of Asgard with Loki was a whole new experience. I was used to having to fight my way through the crowds of people, but with him, they bowed their heads and made way. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows. We both burst into peals of laughter. 

We walked on for an hour before reaching my district. "You came all this way for all these years?" Loki inquired.

"With you on the other side, it seemed far longer," I replied. He grinned at me. "Oh," I said, pulled back into reality by the sight of my house, "here we are. Thank you for dinner, and last night, and walking me here. Everything was perfect."

Loki kept his grin and held up a finger to silence me. "You're not getting off that easily, Allyra. You got to meet my parents, now you are going to introduce me to yours."

My mortified look must have been all he was looking for, because he reached his hand up and banged the knocker against the front door.

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