Chapter 2 The so called 'Quest'

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Zenobia, trailed on faster than the rest of us, seeing if the coast was clear, in her words.

But where walking on fucking dessert plains, the coast IS clear, you can see everything, she just likes being in the lead, Lapis is busy chatting away with Gaia and Zakai and Kaisa are being all lovey dovey so i don't want to invade and Nadette is non stop speaking to Griffith, I'm pretty much just watching the back of Zenobia her armour confusing me, how? How can she walk so fast with all that Armour, and what is she even going to use it for, I look down at my outfit, at least I'm not wearing a dress, as I stare at my baggy pants the bottom hugged my ankles, I smile and quicken my pace to catch up with Zenobia,

"Hey Zen, how're you doing?" I ask with a smile.

"I'm alright just thinking" she says propping her head up,

"What about?" I ask curiously,

"That we're all going to die..." she says softly looking off into the dessert plains.

"Wow Zenobia, don't think like that!" I say looking back at the group,

"It's true and you know it" she says with a grumpy huff.

"There is a chance we could all die, but there is a chance we all survive." I say with a calm smile on my face, shes right though how will we survive? I've heard story's of whats outside the city of gods, but never took notice until now that I'm walking on the stretched out dessert plain, towards nothing, we have no destination right now, we just know to keep walking.

It's been about 12 hours and its a hot stary night now, we can see lights off in the distance,

"Guys Kaisa passed out we gotta move quicker!" Zakai yells as he props her on his shoulders, Gaia giggles, OK I'll help, she pulls out a small stick, or wand and waves it behind us causing a massive gust of wind, we all go flying quite ungratefully apart from her, we land just outside of the city, covered in sand now but at least what would have been a 3 hour walk was a few seconds of force,

"Could have warned us, Kaisa could have gotten hurt" Zakai said; but we all know damn well he would protect her from even a fly.

I stand up and tell the group to follow me as I read the signs hanging up on the huts, we come to a massive mountain with a door, carved into it says "Mount Tavern" I chuckle a bit at the name and walk in.

Its chaotic almost, there are same erotic girls linking arms and chugging out of two massive beer mugs, three men cheering them on with sacks of coins on display,

The bar tender a short blonde girl with tanned exotic skin, and a see through dress, is getting hassled by two soldiers, two men are beating each other up, a few elderly men, are playing darts and missing dangerously, a big bulk man is standing in the corner behind the bar sleeping against the wall, two fully covered people are sitting quietly talking to each other...

We move to the bartender getting hassled first yanking the men back, she smiles and nods her head,

"What would you outsiders like? What brings you to a ferrule town like ours." She asks

I show her my necklace and she stutters.

"Princess... daughter of Kaia" she says softly. "Come with me its not safe here" she says quickly bringing us into a house joint to the tavern,

"Why are you here its not safe for you princess?" She says looking at Kaisa,

"You can look around find a place to put her she looks pretty bad, where ever you put her there will be a bell near it ring it and I'll be in there okay?" She says to Zakai,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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