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Hey, I'm Elizabeth Jenner the youngest Jenner. I'm 14 and live with my mum. You probably  think my sisters are bitches, which they are tbh but they treat my like I'm a baby. Pretty annoying sometimes. Like when I'm talking to a boy they get all overprotecting. But sometimes I use it for my own good. Oh yeah my family calls me Bear, Baby, Munchkin etc. and my friends call me Lizzy.

Today I woke up with an enormous headache. I was probaly sick. Ugh I hate being sick. I got dressed in something comfy without looking in the mirror (I'm not like my sisters obsessed with how I look) and walked downstairs. I could hear Khloe's loud voice speaking in the kitchen.Damnit I thought to myself. I hate being sick because my sisters get real annoying and clingy over me. I sighed and walked in to the kitchen.

As I walked in the kitchen I saw Khloe,Kendall and Kylie. "What's up Bear?" Khloe asked, making me groan in pain while sitting at the kitchen counter. Her big smile changed in a face full concern. Kendall stood up and placed her cold hand against my warm forehead. "Munchkin, you have a fever. How do you feel ?" she asked while hugging me. "Like I'm about to die" I said hugging her back. "Awww Bear I would love to take care of you but I have an important meeting" my mum said ,"but Khloe,Kendall and Kylie can take care of you. Right ?" she said looking hopefully at my sisters, who all nodded as response.Fuck.Fuck .Fuck I said inside my head.

Khloe's POV

I looked at Liz, she didn't look happy but I realized that was because she probaly felt like shit. You're  gonna think I'm mean but I actually love taking care of Liz when she's sick because we can treat her like a baby and she doesn't say anything about it.


We were watching a movie on the couch when I saw Liz shaking next to me. "You cold ?" I asked. She just nodded in response. I patted the spot next to me for her to come sit. She came to next to me. I wrapped my arms around her protectively as she leaned her head against my shoulder. I saw Kendall and Kylie shoot angry glares at me. The sisters and I have been in a war over Lizzy's attention lately. She didn't know it ofcourse we kept it subtle. I smiled evily befor looking down at Lizzy in my arms. Her breathing was soothing and calm. I realized she was asleep.

Lizzy's POV

I opened my eyes and saw my sisters weren't there. I could hear them discusing something in the kitchen so I stood up from the couch and walked down to the kitchen. But I stopped when I heard what they were talking about.

"She loves me the most" Khloe said laughing loudly

"No, she doesn't ! she was just cold"  Kendall groaned angry

"Yeah,it's not over ye"t Kylie mumbled, "and stop screaming or you're gonna wake her up".

I felt the anger through my body. My sisters thought I was some kinda trophy they could brag about. My body was trembling as I felt the energie leave my body but I wasn't going to ignore this.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS" I screamed loudly making them turn to my in suprise.

"I'M NOT SOME KIND OF TROPHY YOU CAN BRAG ABOUT"  I said.My voice was cracking and my I felt like I was about to pass out.

Kendall's POV

Lizzy was standing in the doorway and she clearly heard us talking. Her body was trembling and pale, her voice sounded like she was about to cry. When out of nowhere she fell on the ground luckely I was standing close to here and stopped her right in time. I pulled her into a hug and said "We're so sorry okay we really are but you're sick and have to rest okay. Please" She just nodded and whisperd "it's okay"That's one of the many things I love about her. She was so forgiving. We went back to the living room and promised her we wouldn't fight about her anymore.

A/N: I'm sorry if my english is bad but english isn't my native language.

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