Night Night

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Kourtney's POV

I was at my mum's with Mason, Penelope and Reign. I was exhausted, P doesn't want to go to sleep lately which leaves me to try to put her to sleep for hours. To then wake up to see she still hasn't slept. I walked to the kitchen with the kids. Mum, Kendall and Lizzy all greeted me with a smile. Aunt Li P and Mas scream running to Lizzy. Lizzy smiled before picking up the excited kids. Lizzy always was amazing with kids so I often use her as a babysitter. 

Wow, you look tired Kourt Kendall said. I sighed before saying P doesn't want to sleep and keeps me up.

Aah, the joy of children. Sometimes they only sleep and sometimes they want everything but that Mum said, smiling. Lizzy frowned slightly but then her expression changed like she had an idea. She took my two very excited children to the living room while Kendall, Mum and I stayed in the kitchen. I could still hear the kids yell and shout but the sound started softly dying down. I think the others also noticed it because they gave me a weird look. We stood up and walked in the living room. Penelope was asleep on Lizzy's chest and Mason was asleep on a different couch. Lizzy giggled at my shocked face before carefully picking up P and placing her next to Mason. Mason imidiately cuddled up to her.

Lizzy's POV

I know excactly what P is doing 'cause I have done it so much. P misses Kourt so she keeps Kourt up so they can do things. The little kid doesn't understand her mum is busy and needs sleep. I walked in the kitchen with the rest. I decided I was gonna tell Kourt what P is doing.

She misses you Kourt I said.

What does that have the do with anything ? Kourt asked confused. I rolled my eyes sometimes adults are stupid.

She keeps you up at nights 'cause you're gone all day and she wants to do stuff with you I said in a 'duhh'- tone.

Ooh, wait, how do you know that so sure ? Kendall asked curious.

'Cause I use to do it all the time. Remember when I was 8 I refused to go to bed and would keep you guys up I said raising an eyebrow. 

So that's why you would keep us up for days Mum asked. I nodded with a grin on my face.

Aawh That's cute. You would be tired and exhausted so you could spent time with us Kendall said, giving me an adored look. 

How am I suppose to solve this. I'm gone all day because of my work Kourtney asked.

Kourt, You don't have to actually spent time with her. Just watch a movie and cuddle with her until she falls asleep or something like that I said. Kourt nodded and gave me a smile.

We talked for awhile until it was time for Kourt to go. That evening she called me to say it worked.

A/N : Give request please. I have a writers block.

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