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"Excuse me," Tyler taunts, leaning out on one arm through the car's open window, "did you get that car out of a Cracker Jack box, or has it always been that ugly?"

Luke's upper lip starts to curl slowly into a mockery of a smile, and he opens his mouth to launch an insult back at Tyler when with a 'bam' the starting pistol goes off and the race is on.

Swearing, he kicks it into gear, and joins the frenzy.


After the third lap he's already lost all hope of actually winning, so Luke rolls down his windows and puts on his favorite playlist.

Tyler's in the middle of trying to pass him when he does a double take and slows his car down to pull up alongside him.

"You know we're in a race, right?" He yells over the blaring bass of his own car's stereo.

Luke just laughs. "You know Anthony's in first, right?"

"Yeah, so..?" Tyler asks, keeping pace with the other car.

"He passed us already a half hour ago."

"God damnit!" Tyler swears and hits the horn on his steering wheel. "So what, you're just going to drop out then?"

"I'm still driving, aren't I?" Luke sasses while they slide around a corner at twice the recommended speed.

"Then what the hell are you doing? And what's that trash you're listening to anyway?" Tyler frowns and closes the distance between their two cars.

Luke pulls down a pair of sunglasses from his visor and pops them on with a flick of his wrist.

"Chillin'." He winks. "And you wouldn't know good music if it bit you in the ass!"

"Fuck you!" Tyler flips him off. "Def Leppard is a good band and you're just deaf."

"I can hear you just fine!" He yells back and speeds off. Adjusting his sunglasses and grinning at Tyler through the rear view mirror.


Neither of them have placed first (which was to be expected when Anthony figured out how to cut half the course off via a secret shortcut, much to everyone else's ire).

And Luke is on his way back to his car when he sees Tyler parked right beside him and blasting "Highway to Hell" so loud out of his car's stereo that his shoes are vibrating from the force of it several feet away.

"What the hell is that?" Luke shouts over the music.

"What!" Tyler mouths back.

Luke stands there, quiet, for just a moment before opening his mouth and pretending to talk, trying not to grin.

"You asshole," Tyler laughs and turns it off. "I was just trying to introduce you to some good music."

Luke lets himself in the passenger door, "It looked like you were trying to make yourself deaf so you didn't have to listen to that 'good music'."

Tyler flips him off then asks, "What the hell are you doing in my car?"

"I'm hungry," Luke says. "And technically I placed before you, so you owe me a burger."

"I didn't agree that!"

"Well you didn't not agree, so drive!" He says, and slaps the console.

"Hey!" Tyler grabs a cleaning cloth and starts wiping the dash. "You'll get your fingerprints all over that, stop!"

"I'm gonna keep touching until you drive us somewhere to eat!" Luke declares, then starts chanting 'touchy, touchy' and pokes random parts of the car while Tyler frantically swats his hands away.

"Fine!" He eventually submits. "Where do you want to eat?"

"How about Steak and Shake?" Luke suggests.

Tyler stares at him for a moment before grinning back. "So you do have good taste afterall."

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