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"He doesn't bite, does he?" Luke worries from the passenger seat, his cat craddled tightly between his arms amd nestled in his lap.

"Who, Kino?" Tyler laughs while driving. "Not unless you're wearing a sandwich suit and twerking it in his face."

"I.." He quickly looses his train of thought at the mental image of Tyler's ass bouncing up and down. "Um, yeah.."

Tyler pulls into the driveway and turns off the car. "Anyway here we are, home sweet home."

Beautifully manicured lawn, and a garden that's perfectly aligned to the curb.

Luke is about to ask if Tyler's mom does his yard and his clothes for him, but what comes out instead is, "Homeowners Association?"

"..yeah." Tyler admits.

Luke's hands are still full of squirming cat, so Tyler grabs his bags for him and starts up the walk to the house.

"You could have gotten a cat carrier?" Tyler suggests.

Luke just laughs and shakes his head. "Don't even joke."

Tyler rolls his eyes, but they're already at the door, so he shifts one suitcase onto his shoulder and unlocks the front door.

"After you, m'lady," he bows, loaded down with luggage.

"Thank you my dear," Luke sing-songs in a high pitched voice and waltzes in.

The sound Tyler following after and shutting the door almost drowns out the scramble of doggie toes across the floor as Kino comes barreling into the room.

"Ah, Kino!" Tyler cries out at the same time Luke's cat spots the dog and freaks out.

"Son of a bitch!" Luke swears and drops his cat, his arms scratched up and bleeding badly.

The cat yowls like a banshee, then tears after the dog, hissing and spitting fit to scare a bear away, and the dog is no bear.

Kino yipes once when his nose gets swatted, then quickly tries to escape the pint sized demon terror. Feet sliding across the floor as he slips and runs, the cat right on his heels.

"My baby!" Tyler cries out and chases after them.

Luke nurses his bleeding arms for a bit before following after.


Later, the cat is sitting proudly atop Luke's head while he lounges across Tyler's couch.

Tyler, who has to cuddle his dog like a baby in the armchair across from him, and glare like an offended mother.

"Your demon cat nearly killed my dog!"

"Your dog is twice the size of my cat!" Luke counters, and reaches up to pet the purring fiend.

The cat opens his eyes when he's touched and mews, happy.

"Just keep him away from my dog," Tyler gripes. "And how much longer is it going to take to fumigate your house?"

"Two weeks, like I said before." Luke kicks his feet up onto the coffee table, shoes already off, and stretches.

His shirt rides up his chest, exposing the pale patch of skin over his stomach and the barest beginnings of hair beneath his waistband.

Tyler's eye catches, and he can't help the "You don't sleep naked do you?"

His words a little too eager, his heart hammering in his chest.

The dog whines in his lap, and he hugs Kino tighter, rocking in the chair as he tries to banish the mental images.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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