oil slick (nsfw)

195 12 1

"Just be careful with my baby," Luke mourns as he leans against his car, ducking his head under the open hood to watch Tyler work.

His car is as beautiful as ever, even raised up into the air on the two wooden car ramps as she is, the boards haphazardly nailed into place. A small duffle bag of unsorted tools rests on the metal frame of the car just under the hood, the metal quickly becoming heated in the late afternoon sun.

"It's probably just the starter, stop worrying so much," Tyler gripes back, consumed as he is in the engine his voice becomes somewhat muffled. Half buried up to his shoulders, his legs hang over the edge of the car.

His limbs are long and thick with muscle, and his pants cling into every curve, leaving little to the imagination. The hem of Tyler's shirt hitches up as he leans further into the car, and reveals the warm patch of skin on his back just above his ass.

Luke can't help the direction of his eyes, the sun is too bright at his side so he has to turn and look and Tyler's just laying there solid as the day and oh so close.

A light layer of sweat glints in the sunlight, catching and drawing Luke's eye to the way Tyler's pants sit snug against his ass.

He can feel his face beginning to flush, and diverts his attention to the organized mess that makes up his engine compartment. Pretending to understand what he's looking at, Luke wonders aloud, "Maybe I should try calling the shop again?"

"You're not going to get a signal out here, there's too many trees," Tyler scoffs as he slides off the engine, wiping his hands off on his pants once he's firmly settled on the ground.

"Here," he says, and tosses a can to Luke. "Have a beer and relax man, I can fix this."

Luke hesitates, but the sun is hot against his neck and the can is nice and cool, so in the end he pops it open and takes a long gulp, swallowing heavily.

When he lowers the beer his vision is already spinning just a little, and he can almost swear that Tyler was staring at his Adams apple as it bobbed, the man seems a little flushed himself.

Tyler takes a long drink from his own can, almost choking on the beer, it drips out the side of his mouth and he wipes it away with the back of his hand. Tyler coughs, then reaches down in his bag and pulls out a used starter.

"This should work until you get a new one in," He says as he goes back to work.

Its not an easy or quick task, replacing the part, the car was designed in such a way to be a true pain in the ass. But the cans of beer began to provide Luke with a lovely little buzz all throughout his head. And he giggles as he sways on his feet.

"You have a nice ass," Luke blurted out, too busy admiring the shape and form of it to watch his words.

Tyler rolls his eyes under the hood, "Geeze you're a light weight."

His shirt pulls up as he leans further in the car, and Luke can't help staring at the patch of skin that's exposed there. He imagines reaching out and touching it, and then he finds that his hand is already there.

Tyler jumps when Luke touches him, but other than a hissed "warn me next time!" he doesn't attempt to stop him.

Tyler's skin is hot from the sun and feels nice under his fingers. Luke runs his hands up and down Tyler's sides, feeling him shiver beneath him.

"Hand me another beer," Tyler says quickly, and reaches out his hand. "If you're gonna feel me up I wanna be drunk too."

Visions of Tyler gripping the hood for support, his shirt pushed all the way up to his neck, his pants hanging below his ass and making such noises as to drive a holy man to sin consumes Luke's thoughts until he finds himself gripping Tyler's hips.

Pulls the other man close to him, presses the swell of himself deep into Tyler's ass.

His hands slip down to Tyler's thighs as he mutters, "Didn't you always want to try this?"

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