Story time again :D

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*Deleted the story that used to be here because it was stupid...BUT, here's another story!*

              Once upon a time, I was in 5th grade at lunch sitting with my best friend. Someone on my mom's side, a cousin of some sort had a baby and now I'm a aunt(sorta...I do not know what you call someone like that). I told her that I'm a aunt now and she looked at me surprised because it's different from what you call "aunt" in America and stuff. She spoke my language too but I didn't know how to explain it so we just ignored the topic...

SO BASICALLY: Asians have all these fancy family member names since we have a FREAKING HUGE FAMILY TREE but all I know from American family names are "aunt", "uncle", "mom", "dad", "sister", "brother", "grandma", "grandpa" and "cousin".

^ Mandarin Version

^ Cantonese Version

*video above can help explain most of the family members*

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