▪ Chapter 2 ▪

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Word count: 1239



I was sitting in a leather booth at the diner waiting for Rachel to come when the feeling of someone looking at me suddenly overcome me. I turn my head sideways and right at that moment, the feeling was gone. Obviously the person is still staring intently at me, I turn my head back around to look straight ahead.

The dinging of the bell that signals someone entering the diner makes me remember where I am sitting in here anyway.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," I hear Rachel say as she slowly strolls over to where I am sitting. She seems a bit on edge as she sits down in the seat across the table from me.

"Huh.... oh, no need to apologize, I was early anyway," I try not to sound sympathetic as I think of what I have to say, what I have to break to Rachel.

There was an awkward silence between us until I finally find the guts to speak up.

"Umm, what I needed to talk to you about is-" I get cut off by a waitress coming over.

"Hello, would you like something to drink or eat Sir?" The waitress only gives Rachel a side glance as if she wasn't even there.

I look over a Rachel who's eyes are full of hatred and anger but quickly get masked by the usual passive face she always seems to put on.

"Do you want anything Rachel?" I ask her patiently, noticing her being suprised by my question.

"Oh, um no thanks, I'm alright." I nod to her causing a slight smile to form upon her face. I always have loved it when she smiles, especially when I am the one that causes it.

I turn back to the sturn, annoyed expression of the waitress.

"I'll just have a glass of water thanks." Finally the waitress nods and walks off back to the kitchen.

"Anyway, what I was going to say is that there is a rather large secret that I have been keeping, I'm not even sure that your parents know either." I say as I watch Rachels passive, fun expression turn to confusion as she furrows her eyebrows together and tilts her head slightly to the side.

"What do you mean? Is it a bad secret? Should I be worried?" Rachel blurts out a whole lot of questions in a matter of seconds, I'm not even sure I caught exactly what she said. She always seems to speak quicker when she is worried.

"Well, I guess that it can be both a good and bad secret I suppose. You know how I am a werewolf alpha right?" I say that last sentence with a bit of regret. Rachel nods her head slowly with the look of concern and confusion still on her face.

"Well slight problem is that I believe that the Alpha of the Dark Pack, Damen is coming for you, I have been keeping an eye on him, he only recently got close enough to you for me to believe that I should tell you." I can see the expression on Rachels face turn from confused to being worried and frightened, but that is quickly masked by her usual passive expression.

I turn my head at the sound of the waitress' heels clicking on the floorboards of the diner.

"Here you go sir, is there anything else you would like?" The waitress once again takes no notice of Rachel sitting right there as she stares at me with adoring, almost flirting eyes.

"No thanks, we are quite alright, thankyou." I nod to the waitress, giving here the signal to go & watch her leave.

I pull my gloved hand out and place in onto Rachel's shaking, cold hand.

"Rachel, listen. You don't need to worry, I will protect you and your family with all my power, even if it kills me." I say reassuringly to Rachel, her eyes are looked dazed and are glazed over as she sares away into the distance.

Her worried, wild eyes turn back to me. I can see that she is about to cry.

"I...I..I don't understand. Why would Damen be coming for me? What have I done?" Rachel's stumbles with her words.

"Listen, you will be fine, we just need to keep you out of sight from Damen. We need to get you into another pack, maybe the Peace Pack?  Surely Damen won't go there to look for you, but if he does, surely he won't hurt you there." I know that my words may seem a bit harsh, but I can't lie to Rachel, if I did, she would see it in my eyes anyway.

I always seem to give it away really easily, my eyes tend to twitch slightly.


Before Cam could say anything else that will make me truely fall apart, I quickly slid out of my seat and walked fastly to the door.

"Rachel wait!! It's not safe out there, you need protection!" I hear Cam yell at my back, but that fact only makes me run through the door and outside onto the footpath.

I can hear my heart in my ears as I run away from the diner, headed for the woods over the other side of town. As I run, I can hear fast paced footsteps behind me but this only makes me run faster. I can't deal with Cam right now.

As the adrenaline is pumps through me, I run faster and take a sudden, sharp turn down an alleyway that takes a quicker route to the woods. I hear the loud thumping of my feet along the wet concrete alleyway because of the rain that seemed to come out of nowhere.

Finaly I reach the woods and when I do, I don't stop until I am certain that no one is chasing me or following me. I slow down to a stop next to a large boulder where I take a sit and heave in large breaths, trying to calm my heart down. I can feel the sob arising as a large lump forms in my throat. I let a small sob escape which seems to calm me, finaly being able to let my emotions out.

My body shakes with the massive amount of adrenaline surging through my veins, trying to calm it, I take large, exasperated breaths.

"ARGGGH!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs, which is actually a really dumb idea but it has already come out. I rest my elbows on my knees as I sit on the cold, almost comforting boulder. With my head in my hands, I think about the information I had just recieved and tried to make sense of everything.

Damen, the ALPHA of the Dark Pack is coming for me?! Why me?! I want to yell so bad but I think better of it. I can't believe that Cam can think that he can just dump this on me then act like it is nothing.

The sound of a twig snapping brings me back to where I am. Oh crap, I have never been this far into the woods and I probably don't even know which way is home. I spin around, see a tall, shadowy figure standing not even 10 metres away from me hidden half behind a tree.

"Hello Rachel..." The mysterious tall, figure says in a flat, yet haunting way.

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