▪ Chapter 5 ▪

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Word Count: 1484


We all walk back to my awaiting mini-van to go back to my estate. Along the way, I catch the scent of Fletcher's blood. I stop still at that moment causing the other alphas to bump into me as the come to a sudden hault.

"Can you smell that or am I going crazy?" I ask wondering whether the others can smell him too. I glance around at the nearby woods and see a shadow standing there, watching us.

"Actually, now that you-" I cut off Riley by grabbing his arm and suddenly running towards the van, pulling him along with me.

"What the hell?!" Riley's face turns bright red in anger as he glares at me with fierce, agrivated eyes.

"He is here. Fletcher is here, we NEED to get to my estate, NOW," I look back at the other alphas look around quickly and immediately start running towards my van. We may look like big sooks but we obviously don't want to get hurt yet again by him.

We all stumble into the van, with me in the driver's seat. The sliding door slams shut and I slam my foot on the accelerator crashing through the gate and onto the road that leads away from Fletcher and back to my mansion.


I hear the wooden front door of Cam's mansion creak open, letting in a cool breeze. I look out the window and see that the sun is setting, making it the only reason for why it was so cold.

I have had a shower and gotten changed since I came here three hours ago letting me get rid of the torn clothes and slip into some looser, cleaner clothes.

"Rachel!" I turn my head to see Cam striding fastly towards me with open arms.

"Cam!" I rush towards him, wrapping my arms around his chest and hugging him close. I sob into his leather jacket, taking deep breaths of his comforting smell.

"I am so sorry," Cam kept of apologizing to me over and over again, only making me cry more. I pull back and smile weakly at him.

"You don't need to apologize, it wasn't your fault. I was the one that ran into the woods," I say weakly. I see a single tear roll down Cam's cheek which he quickly wipes away and masks the look of sorrow for a mask of content.

"I thought you were dead, when you were thrown against the wall and I head something crack and..." I drift off as I collapse into his grasp, starting to cry again.

"Shh, shh. It's alright, I am here now aren't I? You don't need to worry," Cam hugged me closer as he says these words, resting his head into my shoulder.

I rise my head up and look over Cam's shoulder to see the other Alphas standing there looking at us, I give them a weak smile.

We pull away from our long embrace and turn to look at the other alphas.

"Thankyou so much for saving me, really, I mean it," I say honestly with a smile. I watch Riley as his eyes turn from sorrow to appreciation as they glow a brighter cobalt, I know it may not seem imaginable but his eyes turned into a dark grey instead of the cobalt black they normally are.

"Thank Cameron here, he was the one that told us you were missing and that Damen might have you," Alex says from beside Riley, his emerald eyes staring me down like I did something unforgettably wrong. I shift awkwardly to my other foot from the look of his intense gaze.

"To be honest, you are just damn lucky that the man who tried to save you in the first place gave us a good enough description of who your captor was for us to find out that Damen had kidnapped you," Derek said, I hadn't even seen him until he spoke up from behind Alex, a book resting on his lap as he sat there relaxing in the soft leather chair.

"The man is me. Hi there, my name is Brandon." The young man that I hadn't even noticed earlier speaks up. Thrusting his hand out for me to shake, which I accept.

"Hi, my name is Rachel," I smother a laugh at the clear embarrassment that is shown on his face but I still let out a laugh. Brandon broadly smiles at me, showing me all his white, pristine teeth.

I let go of his hand and wipe it on my blouse, he must have been really nervous because his hands were quite sweaty....

Suddenly I hear a ear piercing scream, making all of us jump in fight.I turn to where the scream came from realizing that it came from the basement door, or at least I think that is where it came from.

Cam starts striding towrds the metal door, a key dangling on his finger. He slips the key into the keyhole and thrusts the door open, letting in a cool breeze along with it.


I stand at the top of the basement stairs, looking into the darkness beyond. I flick the light switch and staright away regret my action. In the middle of the room is a girl sitting in a chair covered in blood, deep red blood. My eyes widen as I realize who it is, it is my mother Alanah.

Her black hair tinted with a red tinge and her pale face is smothered in blood. I run down the steps and my mother shakes her head vigorously at me.

"No! No, stop! It's a trap! Stop CAMERON!" My mother yells at me and her voice cracking at the end, making me freeze mid step as I realize what I have done.

"Shit....." I hear the click of a loading gun to the side of me.

"Shut the door and lock it," the strangely deep voice says sternly from the darkness beyond. Unwillingly I turn and close the door, locking it.

I turn towards where the voice was coming from.

"What do you want?" I say darkly to the figure. A small, low growl escapes me as I am feeling like I am being threatened.

"I want you to follow my commands, and if you don't......" the man points his gun towards my mother.

My hands fly up in front of me, palms facing the man.

"NO! Don't hurt her, I will do what you ask me to," I almost yell at the man, a sly smile arising on his face.

"Good. I want you to kill someone...." the man's words fade off as he notices the regretful look in my eyes, I tried to hide it as soon as possible but obviously not fast enough.

He chuckles wickedly and he shoves past me to walk down the steps to where my poor mother was sitting, tied up on a chair.

He takes slow, precise steps down towards her, an evil grin arising as he slows his steps down due to nearing the end of the steps. He wanders slowly over to the wooden table in the corner of the room that I didn't even know was there until now.

He takes slow, precise steps down towards her, an evil grin arising as he slows his steps down due to nearing the end of the steps. He wanders slowly over to the wooden table in the corner of the room that I didn't even know was there until now.

He picks up a small, silver dagger and plays with it between his fingers. He turns around to look straight at me with fierce eyes, a small grin playing on his lips. He strides over to my mother and places the dagger to her neck.

"No, don't...... don't you touch her," I stutter out as he presses the blade firmer aginst her neck.

My mother looks at me with pleading silver eyes. Until they turn suddenly to an accepting look, like she is fine with being killed right in front of me.

I take a shaky step forwards with my hands out in front of me as a sign of innocence. My eyes start to sting and I know that if I do lose my mother, I would break down right here. Not caring about who was watching and what might happen if I did so.

"Oh don't worry, I don't want you to kill your own mother! I mean it would be torture to have to put you through that! Instead I want you to kill your little darling Rachel..." my eyes widen at the sound of Rachel's name coming from such a fowl mouth as this man's.

He wickeldy smiles and chuckles as he sees my eyes turn sorrowful and regretful. He takes the dagger away from my mother's neck, instead playing with it in his hands.

Sorry it took so pong to publish this, I was busy all week 😊 hope you guys liked this chapter!

If you did, please remeber to vote and comment! 👌

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